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"So, I've been thinking." Harry announces while attempting to hack at a newly found coconut with his beloved stone knife.

I'm sat cross-legged in the sand beside him, alternating between sipping my water and trying not to break my teeth on coconut chunks.

It's been two days now - or at least two lots of sunset and sunrise - since the burials and the spooning and I haven't slept once.

"Sounds dangerous." I smirk. Harry throws a piece of coconut husk in my direction.

"I've been thinking," he tries again. "We should probably try and build a fire."

I look up at him and blink slowly; my mind buzzing with ideas. I picture flames twisting up into the cloudless sky and plumes of smoke forming a blanket over the island. I vaguely recall the many firework displays I attended on Bonfire Night as a child and how the thick, pungent smog could be seen for miles from the venue. 


"Planes and ships potentially travelling nearby might be able to see us! It's a brilliant idea!" There's an awful lot of hope in my voice and I can't seem to stop myself from getting overexcited. It's the first idea we've had that might actually help us get out of here rather than just survive.

"I was actually just thinking so we can keep warm at night and cook fish but an SOS fire works too." Harry shrugs, a smile playing on his lips as he wipes the smaller fractures of coconut on his enormous t-shirt. 

"Fish?!" I can't help but exclaim. How on earth does he plan on getting hold of those? I imagine wading out into the sea and attempting to grab at the slalom movement surrounding my feet. The thought of slimy scales squirming in my grasp makes my stomach churn.

Harry looks up from his tattered coconut shell. "Yes, Sarah. Fish. They live in water. Something that we happen to be surrounded by." He drawls sarcastically.

It's my turn to throw coconut at him now. It collides with his right knee and pings off in an unknown direction.

"I was actually referring to your lack of fishing rod." I scowl and take another swig from my bottle. "But do tell me more of your extensive knowledge of aquatic animals."

"Touché on the sarcasm front." Harry notes before waving his stone 'dagger' in the air. "But this weapon has far more potential than meets the eye." 

"Weapon?" I raise a single eyebrow. Winding Harry up is proving to be a wonderful distraction. "Isn't it just a pointed stone?" 

He mocks pain; clutching at his chest dramatically. "Your naivety wounds me." 

I guzzle two mouthfuls of water, quickly swallowing the lukewarm liquid before I can focus too long on its displeasing temperature. "But anyway, back to your plan, Bear Grylls." 

"So sassy today." Harry chuckles. His knuckles are white from his grip around the stone; the skin so stretched that I'm worried it will split. "And yes, back to my mind blowing idea." He begins peeling the stringy hairs off the coconut shell and piling them up beside it. "I'm thinking this will make decent tinder. We just need to go and find some sticks and dried up dead palm leaves or something," 

I stare in disbelief as he drops everything and stands up; looming over me with an expression completely at ease. He really thinks it's this simple? 

"Out of curiosity, how exactly are you going to light this fire? Rub two sticks together?" I realise that I'm not being even remotely optimistic or helpful but I can't seem to get my mind to work the way Harry's does. How can he just make a plan and decide it's going to work? 

Stranded [harry styles] ✓Where stories live. Discover now