33 - The End

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I wrote this chapter whilst listening to Wait by M83 on repeat. I highly recommend you read it while doing the same, especially for during the heavy chat. The feels are gonna hit ya hard. 

I jump out of my seat and throw my arms around Harry's neck before I even have a chance to think about it. He just about manages to hold the plate of pancakes out to the side before they can be sandwiched between us and huffs as I hit his chest. The back of his white t-shirt is warm from the sun and he smells like aftershave. 

"Hi." He breathes in my ear and his free hand curls around my back to secure me to him. 

I feel almost dizzy with emotion. "What are you doing here?" 

I can feel our hearts thudding against one another; so frantically that they may burst. "I came to find you." He says three weeks too late. "And I remembered. Sundays were for Marley's and blueberry pancakes." 

I want to cry. 

But then I remember.

I'm mad at him. 

I drop my arms and stagger backwards. My face has slipped into a frown and Harry swallows uncomfortably... just like he had on the television. 

"I definitely plan to".  

He darts his eyes in my direction before turning to where my mother and Jules are sat, open-mouthed and staring at us as if we're some alien life form. Other customers have also ceased in their eating and are trying to subtly get a glimpse of Harry; still carrying the plate of pancakes and looking like he wants to disappear. He places them down on the table where I was sat and clears his throat. 

"I'm so sorry for interrupting your breakfast. I'm Harry, by the way." He tells my mother and Aunt, as if they didn't already know. "It's nice to finally meet you."

My face is burning scarlet. I feel like this is some sort of awkward boyfriend-meeting-the-family-for-the-first-time situation. All we need is my father and some awkward handshaking and we're basically there. Jules is now trying not to smirk and my mother looks like she's about to burst into tears. 

Please, not now. 

Jules - spotting that my mother is in no fit state to speak - places her fork onto her plate and smiles. "It's nice to finally meet you. I'm Jules - Sarah's Aunt - and this is Helen, Sarah's mum. We owe you quite some gratitude, Harry." 

He's probably wondering what on Earth I've told them and I pray that he doesn't ask because the last time we discussed who was the better survivor, it resulted in days of awkward tension and me almost drowning. "It was a team effort." He tells them, fiddling with the hem of his t-shirt. "Honestly." 

My mother is sobbing now and frantically trying to unfold the napkin her cutlery was resting on so that she can dry her eyes. I know I should probably comfort her or something but my feet are rooted to the ground, my eyes fixed on Harry's face. I need to know why he disappeared on me like that. 

Harry clearly doesn't have a clue what to do either. He keeps looking at me out the corner of his eye and I suspect he knows. He knows I am disappointed. But this is not a conversation to be had in front of prying eyes and overemotional relatives. 

"Mum, it's ok." I say eventually and bite my lip. "Why are you crying?" 

She dabs under her eyes and inhales shakily. "That was the happiest I've seen you since you came home." I think we're all blushing now. "And Harry, as my sister just said - thank you for what you did for my daughter." 

Stranded [harry styles] ✓Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora