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My heart's pounding as I stare up above us. I'm half expecting to wake up any moment now; to find Harry tickling my sides or poking my face and realise that this is all a dream. But the sight before me is not leaving and I can't decide if I'm incredibly excited or exceptionally terrified.

The side of the helicopter slides open and reveals a vivid, navy jumpsuit and a gloss-finish black helmet. There's something overwhelming about seeing another human being apart from Harry after so long and I'm grateful when his fingers curl around my own in a reassuring hold.

I want to ask him if things are really going to be ok now. All our efforts have been for this exact moment but we've never really stopped to consider how life will be when we get home. I'm not naive to think that upon our return, Harry and I will be sharing a sleeping quarters. Nor will we go on fishing trips or buy one another cartoons of coconut water. But surely there'll be something? I can feel the question bubbling on my lips but the helicopter is so loud that I know there's no chance of being heard.

The jumpsuit-clad human leaps from the helicopter; revealing a trail of rope extending from behind them, attached to a harness buckled to their waist and hips. I barely blink once before a sturdy pair of boots thud into the sand before us; whisking up a sandstorm around our feet. My grip of Harry tightens. 

"Are you hurt?" Even over the noise of the propellors, I can hear the thick accent and the male voice, but I'm so startled by the opaque helmet shielding their entire face that I can't find it in me to answer. I want to see friendly eyes and a reassuring smile, not my own reflection blinking back at me with a terrified expression. There's a gentle pressure on my hand before Harry steps forward, his broad shoulders now blocking my view of our new acquaintance.

"No!" He calls over the noise and tugs me forward as the wind whips his hair in front of his eyes. "Take her up first."

The jumpsuit nods and I stumble into a pair of unfamiliar, polyester arms. "Harry! No - what are you doing?!" My voice shoots up an octave at the prospect of leaving him behind. There's no way in hell that I'm going without him, regardless of how gentlemanly he thinks he's being by allowing me the first lift. 

"It's ok, Sarah!" He shouts and there are hands suddenly at my waist; strapping and buckling me in to some sort of neon-orange harness that fits me like an oversized nappy. I can't help flinching. "I'll be right behind you, I promise."

Logically, I know he's telling the truth and even with him smiling at me - eyes twinkling with the excitement of it all, I can't help the irrational fear that we're about to be torn away from one another without warning. It's like a weight crushing my chest and even though I'm outside, very much in the open, I feel as though I'm having my first taste of claustrophobia. 

My back clashes with the chest of our rescuer and one of his arms tightens around my waist like a barrier; tearing my hand from Harry's. My eyes widen but somehow he's still smiling at me, almost nodding an emotional farewell as if he's just dropped me off for my first day of primary school. I suddenly feel like there's an awful lot I need to say to him - as if I need to thank him or make some dramatic declaration of my feelings. And at the same time, I feel as though I should bid farewell to the island that has been my home and my hell for the past goodness knows how long. 

But there's no time. 

My feet leave the sand; leave the island, leave Harry. I can see him watching me from below, squinting up at my limp, dangling body whilst trying to control the rebellious stands of hair that are flailing around in front of his face like a crowd of arms waving me off. I don't want to look down because - quite honestly - the increasing distance between my position and the ground is making me nauseous, but I can't bring myself to look away from Harry. I have to make sure he doesn't move... doesn't jeopardise his own rescue. We both have to board this helicopter. 

Stranded [harry styles] ✓Where stories live. Discover now