The Room

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I shivered as a cold breeze brushed my cheek, while I stood outside waiting for a marcal clearing. Ooh. They sniggered at me. Their eyes scanned me up and down making me want to smack those stupid smiles off their faces. The black biker jacket on the marcal to the right shined in the bright sun's rays. There was a dark skinned boy with red close a pitch, horns, and a tail painted onto the black leather jacket. Why do marcals think we look like that? Demons do not look like that. We look like people but have wings that appear with magic, and different powers. Nothing noticeable anyways.

Once the last biker went around the brick building's wall I turned to open the Room's door when someone tapped my shoulder. My head spun around, while my fist jammed itself into the boy's ribs. He had jet black hair but gleamed brown in the sun. His eyes were dark green, with streaks of light green shading the outer portion of the iris.

"Well hello there too," the boy while said hunched over with a hand over his stomach. He was an angel. The posture, the aura around him, even his eyes screamed "ANGEL!"

"Don't ever touch me again!" I said through gritted teeth. Before walking through the Room's door I smacked the boy's face. Hard. Not that it would permanently hurt him because of our ever-growing cells. It's a curse and a gift. Demons and Angels can't die. At the age of twenty-one, we become immortal. My blood rushed through my veins as I thought about my immortality. Just three more years!

Inside the Room is a huge area. Demons flew in the sky with their long dragging wings while Angels sat with their huge standing wings. Our wings only appear with a magical entryway such as any of the Rooms (Room's cannot be seen by a marcal's bare eye). On my left, painted on the ground was a white line that separated angels from the together zone. A black line is painted on the left, on the ground. The together zone is the space between the two lines where demons and angels are only allowed to interact. Which is very rare.

"My name is Daniel Jasophoc, we have human- I mean marcal- biology together," the boy from outside unnecessarily informed me.

"Get away from me, or I will kill you," it probably sounded meaner then I intended it to, but Daniel just smiled and played with a loose feather in his tall, white wings. Damn, he was tall. I'm tall for my age, but he is about a foot taller then me making me want to beat his pretty little face into tiny pieces. His smile was crooked, but his teeth were straight. I mean, really straight. Even braces couldn't make teeth that straight.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" His face turned red, finally giving his pale skin color. Why was he so pale? It's just... unnaturally pale. It bothers me!

"Not hanging out with you for sure," I laughed out. Suddenly seeing how sad he was brought me joy, so I walked over to the snack table in the together zone. Daniel followed. I wish he would just leave me alone because now my urge to kill his rose. Knowing that if I killed an angel at any time, I would be thrown into the torture chambers. Since we can't die without a sorcery crystal of Kakhablanzrky (or for lazy people, just crystal).

I grabbed the white paper plate and poured five bags of chips onto it. Some of the barbecue chips fell onto the checkered tile floor. Of course, Daniel picked the chips up and threw them into the black trash can. Once, me and my stepbrother, Garry, his the trashcan from the angels. They went ballistic. The next day each angel brought back two trashcans, each.

Something plopped onto my head making me turn and to find, not surprisingly, me punching Daniel in the nose. He stumbled backward holding his left hand over his nose.

"Strong arm you got there," he gestured to my tensed up arm by my side. I looked over for any sign of muscle on the boy's body: none. He is just skin and bone.

"Thanks," for once, I'll be nice. I reached my arm because something felt heavy on my head. My black hair tangled in with a chocolate chip cookie. It crumpled in my hand at my strength. "Why'd you give me this?"

"Just to be nice," he tried to keep his fear down but failed miserably. My veins filled with hot madness. I crumbled the cookie on top of Daniel's head. The chocolate chips fell to the floor, while the actual cookie stayed in his already messed up hair. He shrugged his shoulders and walked over to the angel side while sliding his hand through his hair, which got most of the cookie crumbs out.

Garry waited at the bartender's table anxiously while I flew over to him.

"Who was that!" I heard many voices yell.

Trying to block out all of the questions that rampaged me was hard. Garry was the only one I listened to. He didn't ask any questions, which is why he's my favorite person in the family. My mom adopted him when he was little making him my stepbrother. While I still ignored my peers, I and Garry played fire bouncer. Since he isn't a full demon, his powers aren't as strong as mine, not including the fact that my mother was the top demon for I don't even know how many years until it got boring for her (how!). I won a fire bouncer. An angel noticed Garry flinging his wrist up and down in the air and reported him, he got a warning. Oh no! (the sarcasm is real).

While laughing at the warning Garry just now got I saw that Daniel was yelling with an official. An official that keep demons and angels under control. It never works, yet they still try. Daniel started to point over to the demon side while still yelling. He turned his head slightly so our eyes met. I want to kill him. Right now. My hands clenched the end of my wooden chair. They turned snowy white. Before I exploded and killed someone, Daniel looked away still yelling at the official. Garry cleared his throat, looking at my hands. I loosened my grip on the chair. It now had a long deep crack in it making it uncomfortable to sit, so I stood. Daniel stormed out of the room. All eyes were on him until the door slammed shut. For some odd reason, I followed. Maybe I could accidentally kill him. When the door shut behind me my hands felt for my wings that disappeared once out of the magical Room.

"Daniel!" I barked.

He froze dead in his tracks, turned on his heel, and glared at me. A smile grew on each of his pale ears that are hidden beneath his dark hair. I smacked the stupid grin off his face.

"What were you thinking!" He knew I was angry now, so he grabbed my hand inches before it punched his face. I've got knees though. I slammed my knee into his soft spot while laughing. Daniel toppled over onto his side groaning.

"Why!?" I started again.

He recovered, "Why what?!"

"Why me?!"

"Because your the first demon that has made me regret being an angel!"

A smile formed on my face as Daniel got to his knees, then feet. I hate angels with a passion, their just too nice. For once I saw a little comely in him.

"If I become a demon will you go out with me if I become a demon?" He asked breaking the silence.

"Sure," I said knowing that he probably won't survive the deadly process. We shook hands and went our separate ways.

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