Hidden Figure

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"Get my crystal for me, Diana!" My mom yelled. The crumpled paper fire into two in her hands. She burned it to ashes once it touched the floor. It shriveled. Ashes stained the floor black.

I handed her crystal. She spun it on her fingers then lunged forward making a line of high pitched tune. The tune stayed for a good three minutes. I covered my ears with my hands, and closed my eyes.

"What was that?!" I yelled after the tune stopped.

"When you go to demon school, you'll learn to not be bothered by the sound. I can't even hear it anymore. It supposed to give you time to run while the demon/marcal/angel covers their ears in pain," my mom said rubbing her crystal with one hand.

Her crystal had four edges and was black. The crystal shined in the light showing some invisibility to it. My mouth hung open at the sight of a white crystal my mom pulled from her fanny-pack. Only angels had white crystals, and only demons have black, that's been the rule for six-hundred years now. I ran up to touch it when she pulled it away quickly, and rammed the black crystal to my chest. I looked at the crystal, then at my mom again. Quickly, I grabbed it and hugged the black object.

"I'll explain later, Okay? We need to go, or you'll miss your meeting with whoever 'evilness' is," my mom said, and ran into the portal. A portal makes you have wings, but marcals can't see them. The only catch is the wings only stay on for twenty-four hours before fading away.

Blue, purple, and black filled my vision, as I walked. The world came back to colors, but this time, my back felt heavy. My head swirled around to see long, black, dragging wings. I wish marcals could see them. See how big and beautiful they were; how breath taking they are.

My mom smiled at me. Her wings were even bigger than mine. It's weird that my mom is supposedly three years older than me, when she would actually be three hundred and ninety seven years older than me. Mom starred at me than walked out the door.

I ran into the jeep and slammed the door closed. My mom went to the drivers seat, immediately, she started pressing the petal. The jeep zoomed forward going twenty above the speed limit. It was astonishing that we didn't get a ticket.

Finally the tattoo place appeared into my view, and mom pulled in. Quickly, we ran out with a crystal ready in hand.

"Invisibility, now," whispered mom into my ear.

I took out a little bottle full of a red liquid. My hands fumbled with the cork, but nevertheless, it popped off with ease. The invisibility potion only lasts for twelve hours. Once both of us drank our potion we went inside.

My eyes scanned the well decorated, dimmed, room. Finally in one corner a black winged demon stood head down. A hat covered most of the figure's face, only leaving a chin for me to try and figure out who it is. Mom and me took off into the air with our wings spread out to double our sizes. The hidden figure lifted its head to reveal to red glowing eyes. A vampire. I swallowed hard. The wings on the vampires back fell to the floor, as a blur ran across the room and grabbed my ankle. Apparently the vampire also had invvisibilty potion too. I looked back at the wings that the vampire threw on the ground. In the center of the the wings was a little red circle. It looked like liquid. Blood. The liquid was blood! The vampire already killed a demon.

Quickly, I kicked the vampire in the face pushing it backwards. It was a him. He had light brown hair, with tan skin. A flattened nose, and puffy cheeks that made his lips look small.

Mom flew down to grab his throat. He gasped for air scratching her wrist until his hands got weaker, and weaker. Suddenly, the tattoo parlor door flew open. It was Daniel. Angels don't have invisibility potions, so when he screamed, the room fell silent, and everyone confusingly looked at him. Their mouths hung wide open. Daniel ignored their stares, and ran to push my mom's arm away from the vampire's neck. Daniel looked at me in confusion, until he realized the man was a vampire. I jumped in front of Daniel to protect him from the vampires next blow. He hit my side, but I rebounded and tripped him from underneath. The vampire face planted into the floor. I kicked his head, as blood trickled down his mouth. To assure he was dead, I grabbed my crystal put it high above my head and stabbed through his heart.

Daniel starred as the motionless body turned to ashes. Mom picked the wings the vampire had, and put them in the jeep. I turned around to hit Daniel. He is breathing hard. Even though everyone was watching, Daniel we walked out of the parlor to go home. Daniel walks himself home though.

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