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Marry shook my shoulders violently to wake me. Her blue eyes starred into mine. Tan skinned outlined her eyes, and her pink lips. Marry's blonde hair ruffled over her eyes making a wall between us. She laughed and kicked my side while walking away. The pain rang through my side and up my arm.

Josh was at the edge of my tent sharpening his crystal. It was a dark black, but still clear enough to make out images through it. My crystal still lay in the back of my pocket. I choaked thinking of its color. Grey. My questions for that piled up, but the questions I had now overpowered my strength and ran off my tongue.

"How did y'all know I would go to the weapons room?" Marry walked out of the tent. Josh gulped down his, probably, nerves. He was about to tell me when Robert ran into the room and clutched my throat. His red eyes starred deeply into my brown ones. Marry ran into the tent pointing a sword at Robert, and slicing his arm off.

"Sorry I was practicing a reverse spell!" Marry laughed. Robert rubbed his head his eyes turning his normal color. Sorry was wounded up in his face concerned with my throat. I kicked his face before we all laughed. The laughing stopped as I threw a knife at Josh's head and asked my question again. Marry couldn't help but to laugh as he pulled the knife out.

"I have some interesting powers..." Josh gulped, "I... I... I can see the future." My mouth flung open. He already knew my question, "They are subjective though. Or I can get one future's time with another. The images can be crowding in the mind. I believe you can also see the future and much more." His smile seemed nice and calm.

"Do you see it in the future?" I asked. All heads turned in my direction dumbfounded. They made me feel like I didn't know I should.

"Leave it!" Marry shouted, "If her mom doesn't want her to know we shouldn't tell her." She seemed serious and content. Her blonde hair was brightly visible in the dimmed lighted tent. No one spoke.

I wanted to ask, but I knew no one would answer even if I cut everyone's limbs off. Voices sunk beneath my skin saying weird words that I didn't understand. My hands threw themselves to cover my ears, yet the voices seemed louder. The voice now, almost, screaming. Tears weld up in my eyes. No, I told myself. I would not cry today, or ever in that matter. Marry was touching my shoulder with worried eyes.

I screamed.

The world spun making me feel dizzy, and unconscious. Closing my eyes, I punched my head. Again and again my hand balled into a fist and punched my head. The voices seemed to be stalking to me now in a low snaky voice, "Don't worry I will get you where ever you are. Together, we can rule the world as queen and king. If you don't obey me, I will hurt the people you love most. It started with Garry, but where will it finish is your desicion."

I gulped down my sanity, and ran out of the tent, but I didn't realize Daniel had his hand on my head the entire time. His fingers were cold when they lifted from my skull.

The air was cool. Wind blew from the left and feeled my thoughts happily. I closed my eyes to feel the wind on my eyelids. Hades. He was what I saw when I closed my eyes. His nasty awful grin looking to nice to be him. He held out a hand for me to take it. Instead of reaching out to grab his outstretched hand, I opened my eyes to see Marry beside me with a glass of some kind of potion, "I'm goin' to set a camp site at the treetops near the waterside. I don't want you to help, but I want you to tell me what you saw or heard which ever one is implied?!"

"Why should I if your not gonna tell me what my mom has failed to!" I yelled.

"I can't or I might get killed."

"You might get killed be me if ya don't tell me!"

"You're impossible," she sighed, "Your mom, Jessica, is... is..." I interrupted, "What, what is she!"

"Shut up, and I'll get to it. Gawsh. She is Hades's daughter, which makes you his granddaughter. Ever wonder why yours powers are stronger than anyone else's well there you have it.

"Your dad is well... how do I put this... Zeus's son. So your have angel. Your parents didn't know until Zeus came down from the clouds to take your dad away four days after you were born. Honest mistake on their part. They tried to keep their love a secret until you came into this world."

I closed my mouth and drew in a deep breath, "Some I'm half demon, and half angel?" The word made me want to puke.

Everyone now stood behind me keeping distance between me and my now, new, furry. I exploded with fire and ice going everywhere except my friends. Daniel I did give a little torchuring fire flame to.

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