Demon School

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Every night since the first nightmare on the train I have had the same dream with different people killing me: my mom, Daniel, Classification, and Garry. Every time I wake up once they kill me. One night someone came into my dorm room shaking me telling my scarred self that he could hear my screams from down the hall.

I now go to demon school in Alabama. It is a nice school for me. Apparently it has the best demon education in the world. On the first day we got our crystals which change color when we touched them. If your more of a demon it will turn white. If your more demon it will turn black there is no in between.

They called my name to get my crystal. I was after a boy who had piercings all over his face. My heart raced. Think mean, bad, angry! I told myself. The crystal was clear with spiked ends of a rectangular prism. My hand shook as it reached for the clear object. It turned grey. Everyone was silent. This is only the second time in demon and angel history that a crystal has turned grey at the ceremony. All eyes starred as I raised the crystal above my head and a huge wave of nothing went out and around the ceremony's outer fence. The rush of excitement filled my body. I started back to my seat happy as could be.

"Hey angel," Robert whispered into my ear.

A smile formed on my face as I punched his jaw, "Hey idiot."

All of his friends laughed, as he fixed his jaw. I chuckled myself, turned back in my chair, and watched for the next demon to retrieve his/her crystal.

At the end of the of the ceremony everyone's crystal turned black except mine. Why should I care. It just means I am original, I hope. After I showed two other demons not to mess with me, by stabbing them in the gut with a dagger, no one messed with me again. I mean no one, not even the teachers. It is awesome having no demon or teacher bother you.

My favorite class is Fighting Monsters Class. In Fightinf Monsters Class, there is no writing. All you do is fight simulation or other demons. The first person I will fight today is Robert. He snarled as we both stepped up on the floating stage. The goal is to slice your openents throat with a dagger. Fun.

Robert twirled the sliver dagger around and around in his fingers. His blonde hair was pulled in a really tiny bun, he almost didn't need the bun. Nevertheless the teacher made him and everyone that had hair longer than two inches have their hair up. Roberts green eyes glew in the dimmed light room. How?, I don't know.

In demon school, we are alloud to have wings inside. He flew above the floating surface. I didn't follow. You can't hurt me if your fifty feet away. Robert flew back down, all the while getting closer and closer. Soon enough my legs took off. I blocked his blow at my neck and aimed for his right leg. He winced, and cut my hand without the knife. While Robert thought he did the right move of cutting my hand, he didn't. Quickly, I kicked his head over, took my dagger, aimed, and stuck it right into his throat.

As he stood up, I took the dagger out of his neck and smiled. I won this round. Robert moaned as his wound healed up quickly. The mustle underneath healed first, then his flesh healed over second.

"Jus' so ya'know, you'd be a horrible monster," I laughed. Robert groaned, then flew off the platform with me following right behind him. After fighting class I went to my dorm. The ten by ten feet room. The walls were black, and the floor was checkered tile. My bed mattress was memory foam with a baby blue fitted sheet; one of the only colored things in the room. I have one roommate named, Kristen Lancaster. She has dark skin with hair as dark as night. Kristen is actually pretty beautiful. This is her last year at demon school, so I don't have any classes with her.

I callasped on my bed, but my back hit something sharp. Quickly, I leaned back up to see a letter. The edge of the letter held a pin. My fingers gently unraveled the paper to see beautiful writing in black.

It said,

To Ms. Diana Graphord,

Sorry to interupt your demon education, but bad news has happened back in Indiana. Your mother is on her way to Alabama to protect you. Garry died. An unfortunate attack by a monster. Do not fear, one of your demon friends killed the vampire before it got away.

Angel official

I broke out in tear, screamed in my pillow, and broke my bed in half with my hand. No one heard me. Anger tour through my veins. Before I could break anything else a rock hit the dorm window. I punched the window to see who threw the rock. The dark of night would barely allow me to see the figures face, until the moonlight glowed bright. It was a boy. He had dark hair and pale skin. A smile drew across his face. The boy made me mad. I grabbed a piece of the broken glass. It hit Daniel right on the hand.

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