10: Thick headed

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Alyssa Mells POV

My eyes roamed my textbook, not interested but not entirely bored. My mind raced with thoughts of what really was going to happen on my sixteenth birthday. I had more than enough money and a week after my birthday I'm going to sign a lease for an apartment close to school, smiling, I would finally be able to live the life I want. Free. I could walk around without pants on. That one was a little weird but sounds amazing.

"He-Hey, good morning Alyssa!" Dorians voice disrupted my train of thought, jumping, I whirled to face him as he sat beside me. Eyes wide I watched as he unpacked his belongings. "So, uh, there's this party this weekend, I was wondering if you wanted to like... be my plus one?" He asked hopefully.

"No." I blantly replied, blinking a few times and taking a deep breath. I am just going to come out with it, just like what Axel said. "I'm sorry, Dorian, it's just that - I don't feel comfortable with some of your advances - I don't know if you know what you're doing - "

"I'm so sorry - uh - " Dorian hid behind his textbook in embarrassment. "I'm sorry I asked." I felt bad for not feeling bad.

The bell rang, Dorian raced out of the classroom, catching a few peoples attention as they all took their time.
I unfortunately didn't see Amy either lunch break, burying myself in textbooks as she was held in for a few detentions. Tapping my cheek with my pencil, I went over a few lines I had wrote. I should have eaten something but I was so wrapped up in a book about myths that I weirdly enjoyed. Mainly because there was over three chapters about unicorns.

I ended up borrowing out a book, not a textbook, a normal reading book. The book had a black, worn down cover and yellowish pages. I went over the blurb in my mind, squirming to resist the urge to read the book. Twirling a piece of hair, Amy walked in sat down beside me, instantly glaring. "What is wrong with you?" She hissed quietly at me.

"Pardon?" I stared wide-eyed at me.

"Dorian Lin was crying in the bathroom after something you said to him." She glared harshly, venom coating her words.

"He asked me to a party." I explained, shaking my head. "Axel told me that if I didn't feel the same I should just tell him. So I did." Shaking, I didn't stare at her, still feeling the glare.

"Oh, it's not your fault." Amy sighed, pulling me into a hug, smiling, I hugged her back. She finally understood. "It's Axel whose to blame." I stiffened in her arms, the smile falling from her face ss she pulled away with a determined stare.

"No - " but she wasn't listening. I gnawed on my lip throughout the lesson. How could Amy be so thick headed right now? Honestly.

"After we deal with Axel, we'll go to the party and you and Dorian." Amy smiled happily.

"Ams, you know I don't like Dorian in that way?" I told her softly.

"That's what Axels got you thinking." Amy snorted, scribbling on her book cover. "But - maybe Dorian would go with me."

"Yes." The thought of Amy being a bad friend to both me and Dorian tickled my mind. She was convinced the two of us were mates, but now she wanted to get with him after telling me she was going to help me get with him. I didn't mention anything as Amy pursuing him would keep him well away from me.

Turning, I decided to just play around with a few pencils while waiting for the bell to signal the end of the day to go.

"Bye!" Amy screamed at the teacher as the bell went, throwing her things into her bag as fast as she could. "Hurry up Lys. We need to go kill my brother." Raising my eyebrow I followed her out. Then she was back to putting Dorian and I together.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because he's an idiot and told you what to do in your love life. He doesn't have the right." She snorted, speed walking out the class. "I already told Dorian my brother got into your head, he completely understands. Also I told him you weren't really, you know, dateable." She flung the door open, breathing in the fresh air. "So now I'm going with him."

"Does he know that?" I asked, smiling. Thank goodness I don't have to deal with Dorian.

"Yes, it's actually a ploy to make you jealous but I don't care." Amy shrugged as we climbed onto the school bus. I stared at Amy throughout the bus ride, only giving her short replies. The one thing running through my mind was, what happened to my friend?

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