35: BOUNUS Happy Birthday from Rosie

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Rosie Harveys POV

Axel watched as everyone greeted and cooed over his mate and her puppy. I waited my turn happily, Darren had to keep a finger looped into one of my jean bands to keep me in place. "Todays the day." I excitedly jumped around, eyeing the small puppy that I wante to play with.

"Yes it is." Axel voiced, nerves lacing his tone.

"I'm so excited I could wee!" I whirled to Darren.

"Please don't fairy floss." He cringed, using my nickname.

"I wanna play with the puppy." I dramatically groaned.

"And you'll get to, just wait a little longer." He smiled down at me. Quieting down, I did as my mate told me. Only because he was being a good boy. My eyes instead went back to the tattoo on his bicep, he told me the story of it a million times - as I asked over that - and it still never got old.

The tattoo was a symbol of his love of everything. When anyone else asked he'd tell them he was drunk and got it done by a friend. But he told me it was because his mother would tell him that he should respect anf love everything - she told it to him on her death bed. And the large swirls and thick lines in another language - was a vow to love and cheerish anything that came to him. That's why he is the perfect mate. The perfect person.

Jumping up, I nipped his ear. "Calm down little pup." He chuckled, holding me still. I fought against his hold - anything he asked me only lasted so long against my short attention span and over energeticness. "Okay - excuse us Axel - Rosie wants to see the puppy." Darren smirked at Axel as he walked me - making sure I went over slowly - to the puppy. "There, puppy." Darren said letting go of me to say happy birthday to Alyssa.

"Thank you." I squeaked, jumping a little to press a quick kiss to his lips. "Oh my gosh! Puppy." I cooed, falling down to the little ones level.

"Her names Molly." Alyssa laughed softly as Molly jumped all over me. Clearly my energy was taking effect on the puppy as she to got so excited she could pee herself.

"Hello Molly, I'm Rosie." I cooed at the cute Puppy. "Happy birthday Alyssa." I smiled up at the younger girl who thanked me laughing, Darren striking up a conversation as I played with the puppy.

"Hey Alyssa." Axel threw his arm over her shoulder smiling. "You reckon you could drive me back afterwards? I 'accidentally' drove here in your car." Axel smirked smugly.

"He got you a car? Jealous!" I gasped, not leaving Molly as she wriggled around in my lap.

"You already have a car Rosie." Darren told me, patting me on the head gently. I leant on his leg and smiled up at him. "What?" He asked raising a brow.

"Nothing." I smirked cooking up a plan.

"Rosie, I've been your mate for nearly four years now - I know that face." Darren stared down at me in mock worry.

"That's good." I chuckled staring down at Molly. He would get it when he least expected it.

Alyssa was talking to literally everyone, and Molly followed her around. And I followed Molly around. Which meant poor Darren and Axel had to follow me around, although Axel was following Alyssa just like Molly.

I was excited to say the least.

All the times I had caught Axel staring longingly after Alyssa as she did something so mundane. All the time I knew deep down - that he cared for her more than anyone else. I thought she was the reason he never left to find his mate.

But now, watching as Axel again stared down at Alyssa with the biggest smile on his face. I hugged Darren.

"Hello." He chuckled, wrapping an arm around me.

"I love you." I told him, staring up into his dark eyes.

"I love you too little pup." He smiled, pressing his lips to mine.

I really like my mate, he is mine.

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