12: My problem

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Amy Allisons POV

I ignored Axel all day yesterday after him telling Alyssa Dorians "not worth it" or some crap. But now, it's Friday and he's back home from taking Alyssa to work. I waited downstairs for Axel, sitting on the front porch. While Alyssa was here, she couldn't put that book down that she had borrowed from the library. Unlike my best friend, I hate reading. Axel and I, whenever we go out to buy her something for her birthday, we always would buy her a book. She didn't read all the time, but she mentioned enjoying books. Axel would buy her the whole library if he could, which he wasn't allowed but he'd always be like "Als would love this " or "Alyssa likes this." I bet he does all that because he would prefer Alyssa as a sister over me. Tapping my shoe against the wood of the porch, it had gotten dark when Axel decided to grace us with his presence. He pulled his blue BMW into the driveway. When I become part of the next generation pack program, I would be able to buy myself a car, probably a lot more fancier and expensive than Axels. Axel had been saving his money up and mum and dad were worried he'd buy a plane ticket and fly away forever. Axel got out of his car, he was late becase Alyssa got her shift moved to late night, usually he would be home before us and be the first to take her to work. But as he slunk up the pathway, he eyed me with confusion.

"Evening." He greeted as he took a step up onto the same level as me.

"How could you tell Liss to ditch Dorian!" I demanded. "He asked her to a party this weekend and you got it into your head that she deserves better. Guess what Axel, she doesn't deserve anybody and nobody but Dorian wants her. Nobody wants the crybaby who has deadbeat parents." I spat. Axels expression had gone cold as soon as I came to an end of my rant. He growled. Axel growled menacingly at me, his eyes dark with anger as he shook, clenching his fists as if he was going to attack me. Me, his sister.

"How dare you say that." He spat, the amount of venom that laced his voice had me flinching. "Alyssa is strong and has been through so much and only broke into tears a few times after holding it in for so long. How dare you call your self her friend. How could you even think such a thing, let alone say it." He took a shaking breath, trying to calm himself before continuing. "How dare you make Alyssa be with someone because there's nobody else who wants her. You and I both know that statement isn't even slightly true, you and I have seen the men that flock after her, and I can smell it off you, you're jealous." I took a step back at his words. Me, jealous? I nearly laughed. But all that came out was a condescending snort before I spoke.

"Why would I be jealous of her?" I scoffed. That's when it happened. I heard the slap of my skin, my head tilting to the side and my face tender. I slowly raised a hand to my cheek and gently touched it. Axel had slapped me.

"I - look, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have slapped you." He sighed, apologizing. Tears continued to prick my eyes as I cradled my cheek. "But that's exactly how I felt Amy, you talking about Alyssa like that is a slap to my face. And you're jealous Amy, you need to stop letting your jealousy come between you and your friendship." He spoke softer now, but I still couldn't believe he slapped me. "Don't cry, don't dish what you can't have served." He stepped around me, walking inside. Our parents were out grocery shopping. I followed him in.

"You're a dick." I called out, finally finding my voice. Although it was small and shaking. "You treat Alyssa better than me - I'm beginning to think you prefer her as a sister." Axel stopped midstep on the stairs.

"I will never be able to see Alyssa as a sister." He admitted. The slap to my face stopped hurting physically, but the wound that he had slapped me because I was telling the truth, hurts.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I demanded as he continued up the steps. He ignored me but I was persistent to get an answer. He locked and closed his door behind him as I began to bang against his door. "Oi! Answer me." I called as I gave up smacking my hands against the door. "Tell me." I screamed and that's when I heard it. A sob. Axel was crying. "Axel? Axel open the door now!" I called frantically, fiddling with the door knob. I heard a shuffle from the other side then the door opened. He had a few tears and he quickly wrapped me in a hug. "Axel, What's wrong?"

"I - I." He tried to get up, calming his breathing.

"Did something bad happen?" I asked softly, he answered me by shaking his head which was buried in my shoulder. "Can you tell me what's wrong?"

"Alyssa - " he cut himself off. He took a few breaths and took a step back and stared me in the eyes, determined and uneasy. My mind raced with what could possibly be causing my big, tough brother so much distress. Did he feel stressed? Was something getting to him? Was something going wrong with Alyssa? "Amy, Alyssa is my - "

"We're home!" We heard mum call from downstairs. Axel wiped at his face and raced to the bathroom.

What was he trying to tell me?

What was Alyssa to him?

He was going to call her "my - " my what? My sisters best friend? My friend? My - the trail ran cold as there was nothing that she could be to him.

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