24: guilty obnoxious selfish

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Amy Allisons POV

A few people sitting around me snapped their gazes to their right and a few girls bit their lip as they eyed whoever was coming over. Turning my head, the cocky grin on my face fell. Axel. Axel was walking angrily towards us followed by Rosie and Darren.

My grin fell from my face, I knew I'd have to face the fact that I ditched school but not so soon and definitely not in front of these people I just met.

"Amy - I need to talk to you." Axel kept his face expressionless. I made eye contact with the girl sitting across from me. She had dyed dirty blonde hair and pale blue eyes. Human.

"No, go away." I found myself saying. Everyone around me snickered, I joined in until Axel picked me up with one arm, pulling me into a standing position.

"Who are you?" The girl with the dyed dirty blonde hair demanded in a shy voice, standing up as well.

"A stranger." I replied at the same time as Axel called "Brother." Feeling his glare on me, I tried to pry myself out of his grip but that was when he started to drag me away. "They're my human friends." I snapped as Axel let go of my arm, now in the Busy Burger parking lot.

"Really Amy? Those are your friends?" He scoffed. "Don't tell me you dragged Alyssa into this." He spat angrily, peeking through the glass for any signs of his mate.

"No I didn't bring Alyssa." I growled. "Why would I bring - " obviously not having the capacity to deal with me insulting his mate right now.

"What is wrong with you?" He breathed angrily into my face. "One minute you're totally fine and happy with Alyssa and I and then the next - you're a bitch who thinks everything should be about her." He ranted, Rosie and Darren standing a fair distance away for him to deal with me, his sister. "Did you ever stop to think how Alyssa feels? She called me - because you were drunk off your face - she has to deal with these mood swings and know nothing as to why you're doing this to her." He didn't stop, even as tears welled in my eyes. "You know what she had to deal with - what she still has to deal with. Her parents hate her and she doesn't know why."

"Then stop leaving her in the dark." I said weakly. This seemed to strike a chord in my brother as the anger vanished from his face, replaced by hurt and yearning.

"I would if I could - but she needs to find it out for herself - what would be the point of me telling her we're mates if she herself can't feel the mate bond." He told me, his voice getting smaller with each word. I didn't care, no one paid attention to me anymore! Alyssas birthday this - Axels medical school that - Alyssa this - Axel that - Alyssas job - Axels pack - Rosie - Darren - everyone else but me. Grinding my teeth, I held my tongue, keeping my words locked away.

I've had enough, everything isn't about Axel and Alyssa. As soon as it's her sixteenth birthday and Axel decided she should know they're mates.

It'll be about Axel and Alyssa.

Their unrelenting bond that is so important that they can't believe it was always Axel and Alyssa were meant to be together.

Then the talks of how it had been three years. He waited three years.

I climbed into Axels car, he was taking me home so Mum and Dad could deal with me.

They'll be so angry.

And yet they'll still love Alyssa. Love her more than me.

Staring out at the scenery that flew past my window, I made a decision.

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