Chapter 1.

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 When are y'all getting here???? Im sittin her waititng. - Belly

I sent to my friend Candy, about when there going to get here. I can't wait to get to Tampa, Florida. I can't wait to go lie out on the beach and feel the ocean breeze. Hang out with Candy and Jessica.

I forgot to mention, my names Isabella Chaireth. My friends Jessica and Candy just graduated high-school. Were all 18. I have shoulder length, wavy, dirty blonde hair.

About 2 months ago my two bestfriends Jessica and Candie told me about how their planning on going to Tampa, Florida a week after school gets out. They invited me along with them and said they were inviting a few other people too. Little did i know that those few other people would be Josh the boy who wont ever leave me alone and Jennifer, Rebecca, and Rachel the prissy fake girls from our school. So now i'm stuck with them for 15 hours in  a big, white 15 passenger van. Great.

" Hey Jessica! Hey Candie!" I yelled to my bestfriends when they pulled up my driveway.

"Hey chicka! Looking mighty fine today!" Jessica yelled at me. Even though i'm wearing a pair of white short-short, my neon pink converses, and a pink of the shoulder top. With my hair in a loose side pony. I don't have a clue why she thinks i look "mighty fine".

" Thanks Jessica!"  I yelled laughing at her.

" Now come help me with the suitcases. And who are we picking up next?" I asked.

" Ok were coming." Candie answered my question.

 " Were picking up Jennifer, Rebecca, and Rachel next. Josh is already in the van." Jessica said.

After we get all my stuff in the van and i told my little brother and parents bye we left to pick up the prissy fakes. I don't have a clue why they invited them. They hate them as much as i do. So i asked Candie.

" Why are we taking them prissy fakes? I thought you guys hated them." I asked coldly.

" Did i forget to tell you my mom is dating Jennifers dad. And my mom is making me take her and her bitchy friends with us." Jessica said

" Your joking right? Why in the world is your mum dating her dad?" I can't believe she didn't tell me this before

" She says he's the nicest guy shes ever met. I don't even see how he could be though." Jessica said coldly.

" Well were here so lets just be nice alright guys?" said Candy.

" But i'm not helping them with their suitcases." I said and Candy and Jessica agreed too. So we sat in the van watching them put their stuff in the back when Josh plopped down next to me.

" Hello!" he said as he put his arm around my shoulders.

I turned to him and said " Well hello to you to. And get your arm off of me. I'm already stuck in a van with you. And i'll make sure your in pain if you try to pull something on me." he quickly pulled his arm off of me and mumbled a sorry before going back to his original spot. Then the girls got in and sat down. With Jessica driving, Candie in the passenger seat, me in the middle seat of the row behind them, Josh in the row behind me, and the fakes in the row behind him. This should be interesting.

About two hours in to the drive Jennifer finally speaks up saying " When are we going to get there? I need to get my tan on. And can we stop soon for a bathroom break. I gotta go really bad." Shortly after that we make a stop at the gas station and let her go pee while we bought some snacks. While we walked back to the van we saw this huge bus drive by.

And Jennifer decided to yell, " LOOK AT THE BIG OL' TANKER!" and then got in the van. We all laugh at her commet and got in the van. I reach forwards and turn the radio up and ' What makes you beautiful' comes on.

Rebecca says " Ugh i'm so tired of One Direction." and the other two fakes agree. So i just start signing as loud as i could. I know i have a horrible voice people tell me all the time but, i just don't care. I guess it makes Jennifer mad because she tells me to shut up but i don't.

" THAT'S WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL!"  i sing at the top of lungs, practically screaming. Josh, Jessica, and Candie all laugh. While the Jennifer, Rebecca, and Rachel are yellin for me to shut up.  I just laugh at them and turn around.

By now we have got up with that same big bus Jennifer called a tanker. Just then Josh plops down next to me scarring me. He laughs and turns to Candie and tells her a joke and it was quiet funny so i was laughing as well was Jessica which made her swirvie on the road. While we were all laughing we didn't notcie that bus had hit their brakes and we crash into them.

The car behind us reared end us with quite a force. Stupid me didn't put my seatbelt on, I went flying forwards and hit my head on the radio while the airbag opend up and hit both Jessica and Candie who are both unconscious. While Josh hits his head on the seat and goes unconscious while the three other girls scream and then got caught off as they fling forwards and Jennifer somehow got flung out the side of the van and Rebecca out the other side and Rachel left unconscious in the seat. I feel wet stuff start going down my face and realize i'm bleeding.

I then started slowly climbed out the broken window, and out of the van, once I made it out of the window, I fell to the ground. Barely conscious i stood up and looked around to see people trying to get their way to us when i notcied five boys step out of the bus we hit. When they turn around and see me and realized i was hurt they ran towards me. That's when i notice who they are. The one in the front was Louis then behind him was Harry with his curly hair and then the rest of the boys. When Louis finally makes it to me he grabs me and sits me down and looks at my face and sees the blood. Then looks at the car and at the unconscious bodies and turns and looks at the boys and yells.


" What's your name? How are you feeling?" 

I looked up at him and responded," Belly. I mean Isabella. And i feel like i can barely keep conscious and my head really hurts and so does my wrist and arm." i say barley able to speak.

 " Ok Belly. Were calling an ambulance right now. And stay calm ok. The boys are going to try and get yourr friends out to see if their alright. I'm gonna take care of you. Oh my name is Louis by the way. If you dont already know."

I look at him and barely able to say the words and say " I know what your name is and thank your for helping me and my friends." 

He  looked at me and says " Your welcome and we need to try and stop this blood on your head." He then takes off his shirt revealing his amazing six pack, and tears it and starts dabbing at my head with it and then just holds it there and looks down at me and smiles and says

" Would you like to have some carrots with me wants you are healed up?" carrots... really? Did he seriously just ask if i want to have some carrots with him after i'm healed and when i'm barely conscious? Strange guy. but cute. So I respond as good as I could, with me being able to stay awake, saying...


This is my first fan fic so comment below and tell me what you think of it. :)

i'll try to upload tomorrow! :)

Carrots.... really? ( A Louis Tomlinson fan fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang