6. Mastermind and Master's mine

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Song: Jax Jones- You don't know me


It's been three days. Three days since we shared that mindfúcking kiss. He even ignored me most of the three days.

I mean I shouldn't​ be affected by this, there have been many guys with whom I shared just one kiss. Mostly because of work.

But that was different. This was...I don't know, somehow it felt complete.

This is the one thing I didn't want to do. Think about guys. It's just a waste off time and efforts. So to distract myself I decided to visit one of the guys in the mansion.

Great decision.

I know.

The thing is, these past few days I have been mingling well with the bunch and they are really fun once they get comfortable with you.

Seeing as I was too lazy to move but in need of company, I walked to the second door from mine, entering Zach's cave.

"Hey Zachary!" I called out to him.

"Ugh Ari stop it already! I hate it! Ever since I told you my full name you take every chance you get to mock me. Didn't we agree to use nicknames?" Zach sighed.

"Yeah but seeing as your close friend isn't revealing his name I am satisfying my need to say names by you."

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Great logic, Genius" Zach mocked. I just smirked in return.

That's when I noticed all the cool gadgets hanging around making the nerd in me so turned on. Isn't it amazing how intellectually stimulating objects or situations turn on people more than an eggplant emoji with a donut.

Zach noticed my awestruck face and agreed to show how all of them work! He's so cute!

I think he's happy to share his excitement with a like-minded person, just like a Game of Thrones fan would discuss the Targaryens, Starks and Lanisters.
(A/N: I hope none of them die when I publish this😂)

"...Then you just click this button after adding the liquid and it freezes everything in it's range!" Zach explained.

"So like how powerful will the ice be? Like will it br-" *BAM! The door slammed open.

Here comes Satan.

"Zach I need you to-" the devil spoke in urgency until he saw me. He looked between me and Zach, eyes flickered to the machine once, then looking back up at my lips. He got angry all of sudden and if looks could kill, I'd be on the hospital table.

"Out" Zach gritted.

The fúck?

This bítch.

"I was here first you get out!" I said back like an annoying bratt.

"I have business with Zach, and I won't mind kicking you out, literally." He said coldly.

"Well I'm a guest to Zach, who are you to tell me what to do?"

"I'm his business partner and you are in my house, I can tell anyone what to do here." He sighed.

I was about the punch his chiseled face when Zach interupted.

"No you hang up, no you hang up, aww baby you hang up!" Zach spoke in a baby voice.

We both paused our glare session and rolled eyes at Zach.

"So Ari, yes this gun can-" *clearing throat voice* "-do things which I'll save for later, for now can you go and get some snacks for us? We still have the smoke bomb and other defence weapons to go through" he asked with a hopeful tone.

Ugh he's just like a puppy! So freakin' cute!

"Sure anything for you" I said giving a look to the devil, and walked out with an extra sway of my hips.

I walk down my favourite route in this house which leads to the kitchen and grab a couple bags of chips and salsa. I take my time to go back, curiously observing the interior of the house- I mean mansion.

It's got very long and thick windows which I think are bullet proof. Was this his ego who made the decision? Or paranoia?

As I come closer to Zach's room I hear them talking about 'Snakes' and 'locations'.

I didn't know they were Discovery enthusiasts.

I walk in quietly, trying not to drop my food.

"They are now seriously pissing me off! I need to find that Snake Head and teach him a fúcking lesson." Mr. Stranger said.

"Well we know their frequently visited locations, all of them are hotels close to a strip club, but if we confront one of it, we risk our cover and he'll migrate to some other state or country." Zach calmed him.

"Yes but isn't Lotus the most frequented club? It's right in the middle of the city, it's possible he's hiding in plain sight."

"That's called Center of Distraction" I spoke bringing their attention to me and the food in my arms. They both jumped me and took the chips when Mr. Stranger asked, "What do you mean?"

(Stop singing)

I walked to the map they had laid out on their computer screen, and noticed the five marked dots, one of them blinking.

"The blinker right here, it in the middle of the city, traffic and witnesses are clear signs whoever you are looking for won't risk business here. It would be somewhere near big storage units or a warehouse of some sort, or atleast away from human frequency." I blabbed.

"Whoever you want is either smart or has the manual on 'How to fool others', if I was the one calling the shots, I'd look for deserted areas that have hotels or clubs and then maybe use the street-"

"-Street cameras to observe movement." Mr. Stranger completed my sentence.

"Zach focus on Hotel Brooke and Clover Club, they are closer to warehouse and old abandoned factories." he conspired.

Zach typed away on the magic machine and switched through various camera footage, which he hacked from the government.

"Wait!" Mr. Stranger and I both chimed at the same time. He's so annoying!

Zach went back to the clip and we saw workers moving large trolleys from a huge truck into a supposedly abandoned factory.

"Zoom in Zach"

And suddenly wind whished past me as I was made aware of his absence. I looked closely at the screen and saw that almost everyone has a complicated Snake tattoo on their neck.

Well he could've said Thankyou atleast.

"Gather up everyone, we found the Snakes' bill, and we are leaving now!" he said coming back in Zach's room, everyone rushing to their choice of weapon.

"Can I come?" I asked excited.

He just gave me a look of disbelief.

"Zach keep an eye on her"

"Why not both of them?" We said together and bursted out laughing at that silly joke.

Soon everyone was on their way and Zach and I were keeping an- both our eyes on the screen.

"Zach guide us through we are outside" the devil said as he broke into the factory/warehouse now that I clearly see it.

As soon as they stepped inside the lights went out.


Dun. Dun. Dunnnnn.

What's gonna happen now?

And do you think they should kiss again? Or maybe go beyond kissing? 😏😘

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