32. Bend and end

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Helloo people! I'm so excited for this chapter! I had to revisit my previous chapters so I didn't mess anything up but...this is the LAST chapter!

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I saved the world today.

No, really.

We got the information at the headquarters about a possible sale of nuclear energy that could probably power multiple super computers which can control each and every electronic device via the satellites. Duh.

I had some friends in Indonesia that confirmed this sale and helped our officers get to the location and intercept the exchange.

It was a piece of cake...or as I like to call it- a pastry.

It was a stressful situation at the office so I let everyone working on this case off early, and perks of that? I get to go too! Can't wait to surprise my boyfriend who probably has his tongue down in some witch's throat.


"I love you"

I remember saying that to Ari in the hospital. Bit anti- climatic might I add. It wasn't how I wanted the profess my undying love to her. It definitely didn't get me the response I wanted. But we fixed that after the day at her parent's house.

We say 'I love you' only for special occasions now, so that it remains... well special. We didn't want these words to loose their meaning. We obviously came up with- let's say - creative alternatives. Some including ' I don't want you to die ' or ' I'll strangle you with a hanger ' or even ' I want to eat your abs '.

The last one is pretty overused, by both parties. Michael even said he'd rather hear us making kissing noises than hear Ariana say 'I like your elbow'.

Soon after that while having a heart to heart to Ari following the mind-blowing séx we had, Ari told me- WARNED ME that if her wedding proposal wasn't anything like out of a movie, she'd say no.

And today is ...pretty special, I believe.

I'm gonna ask her to sign a certificate. Get hitched. Put that ring on her finger.
Fúck how do I not make it cliché.

Two weeks ago, I woke up at 3 am and tip toed to Michael's room. I felt this overwhelming urge to talk to someone and I knew my brother would be the best person to go to. If I wanted any advice I knew Michael would always have my back. He woke up and the first words out of his mouth were "what's wrong?"

"Nothing wrong, everything's AMAZING, life's so good, this place, this job, this house! Everything!" I whispered while pacing around his bed.

"So... what's right?" He yawned.

"I don't know,. Nothing's wrong but something's not right..." I mumbled.

"Oh for fúcks sake sit down you're making me dizzy with all the pacing!" He pulled me down. Michael never got dizzy so I knew he said that for me to calm down.

"I think I-" I took a deep breath in.

"Want to pee?" He snickered.

"No! I-I-" I exhaled.

"Say it." He pointed a look at me.

"IwanttomarryarianabecauseIlovehersomuch" I released a breath.

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