Chapter Three - The Window

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Hello again! So this chapter is going to be much much shorter, but I figured I'd put it up here anyway. Please, don't make me beg for comments and votes :)

Happy reading!


I was sitting in my room now, waiting for exhaustion to overcome me. I had gotten away lucky tonight, as James ignored me for the rest of the evening. My mother knew how to distract him, and this wasn't the first time she'd saved me from his drunken wrath.

I swung the window to my bedroom open wide, glancing out into the night. The rain had finally stopped and left a cool breeze in its wake. I inhaled the scent of wet plants and fresh water, letting the smells calm me. The cushions on my windowsill seat gathered around me as I sank further into them, bringing my knees to my chest.

A lot had happened today. A lot that I didn't want to think about. At the beginning of the day, the only focus on my mind was to get through the week without pissing off James. Now, I had to figure out how to disappear under the watchful glare of two werewolves.

I had no idea what was beyond this town or life. I'd only ever known this life and these creatures. My mother used to tell me about what it was like before them. We were happy. But it all changed when the wolves took over, and again when James came along. She used to speak of those times a lot more, until James caught her reminiscing one night. After that, the subject was forbidden.

My thoughts were interrupted when something shuffled outside my window. I quickly lifted my head up to find the source of the noise. Before I could search, I was staring into dark eyes that seemed to glow in the moonlight. I, of course, knew these eyes belonged to the last person I wanted to see – Samuel. I nearly screamed as his face appeared inside my windowsill, my lamp illuminating his features. I brought my hands to my mouth to muffle my cries, losing my balance at the sudden movement. I fell silently to the floor, landing awkwardly on my hip. Once I gained my composure, I heard Samuel start to chuckle. I sent silent daggers into his eyes, letting him know how unpleased I was in his presence.

"Woah, woah, calm down tiger." He laughed again.

"What are you doing here?" I less than whispered, considering James was just outside in the living room.

Samuel's voice got serious. "I told you, I wanted you to come with me."

I stared at him. Clearly, this man was insane. "You can't be serious. I'm not going anywhere with you. I have to work tomorrow and I was about to go to sleep." I got off my position from the floor and went to close the windows. "Leave me alone!"

He caught my hands just as I was about to shut the window in his face. I pushed with all my might against him, but he easily forced the windows back open.

"You don't tell me what to do, Samantha. Sorry, that's not how this works." His grip was still on my hand on the window, and he was refusing to let go. "Now, you can either come willingly or forced. It's your choice."

"Are you insane?" I hissed, glancing back towards the door. "God, all you wolves are the same! You can't just take me from my room in the middle of the night. I haven't even known you for a full day and here you come, expecting me to heed your every command! You're delusional if you think I'm coming with you."

He caught me off. "Watch yourself."

I didn't respond but continued my fuming in silence. I made no move to go with him, and he made no move to let go of me. I debated calling for my mother, but I didn't want her to know about Samuel. Or get in trouble with James.

Samuel must have noticed me looking back because he growled lowly. I'd heard that kind of noise from James on more than one occasion and didn't want to see what came after it. "Please," I started. "I'm fine. I'm going to sleep. James will be pissed if I'm not here in the morning. Going with you is only going to make things worse for me."

"I don't see how that's true. If you're not near him, he can't hurt you." Samuel shot back at me.

I flinched at his words. "I can't just leave my mother here alone with him!"

"I don't care about your mother right now. I care about you." Samuel suddenly started pulling me towards him, across the window opening.

"No! Stop!" I struggled with every ounce of my being, but I wasn't a match for him. Fear flashed through my body and my feet suddenly started flying, my hands losing grip on the window.

Samuel had anticipated this, however, and caught me easily in his arms. By the time my feet were on the ground, I was outside in the bushes standing on top of Samuels' feet. I tried backing away from him, but his arms were snaked around my waist, holding me hostage.

Fear was fully coursing through me now. My breathing was heavy and ragged, my heart beating out of my chest. I tried to remember the self-defense I had learned and blindly shot my knee upwards. My joint hit him right in between his legs, and his grip loosened on me. I quickly shot out of his arms and started to run. I wouldn't have had enough time to get back inside my window, and running was the next best option. Even though he was easily faster than me, I had to try.

I didn't look back to see if he was following, but I was sure he wouldn't just let me go. I quickly ran across the street and darted into the first line of trees that I could see, disappearing into their leaves. I tried to listen to someone behind me and dared a look over my shoulder. Sure enough, Samuel was barreling towards me at an inhuman speed.

I desperately pushed my body to go faster and willed myself not to trip over leaves and stumps. I knew it was my only option, so I searched desperately for a place to hide. There was plenty of trees to climb or bushes to crawl in, but I was afraid that would take too much time. However, realizing that was my only option, I quickly slipped into a piece of a large brush. I crashed into the leaves, feeling the thorns pull at my clothing and hair. After the initial impact, I didn't dare make any movements.

I heard his feet running up behind me not too soon after, but they suddenly stopped. I figured he'd realized I wasn't ahead of him anymore. I tried to listen over the sound of my heartbeat when I sensed his footsteps drawing closer to me.

"Really, Samantha? Did you forget that I'm a wolf?" His face suddenly appeared directly in front of mine, his body crouched down beside the bush. I let out a scream, but he quickly brought his large hands to my face to silence me. As he dragged me out of the leaves I fought harder than I ever had in my life. I thrashed my limbs wildly, kicking and punching whatever I could contact. I didn't stop there but bit at the skin that was holding my mouth as well. My movements did nothing to thwart Samuel however, and before too long I was being thrown over his shoulder.

"Let me down!" I cried loudly, not bothering to silence my voice.

"Keep it down or I am going to have to make you be quiet." His voice was rougher than before. More hostile. It sent chills down my spine.

I quieted my voice but still plead with him. "Please, Samuel, I just want to go home. Please, I'll be fine, just put me down. I don't want to go with you."

Samuel adjusted me on his shoulder, knocking the breath from my lungs. "It doesn't really matter what you want."

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