Chapter Thirty-Seven - Eden

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Song :

Ashes of Eden by Breaking Benjamin


Samuel's words rang through the air for a long moment. I tried to process them as he stared at me, carefully, trying to read my thoughts as I was his. In my mind, thoughts and scenarios waterfalled, each one more intriguing than the last. They each brought up a new question and a new perspective on Riley. 

"What happened?" I eventually asked.

Samuel sighed again, twisting his fingers. "She died."

I nodded silently, my heart twisting at Samuel's tone. I wasn't surprised by his statement, but I was still curious. "Can I ask how?"

He looked at me for a moment, voice lowering. Then, he shook his head and lowly mumbled, "Childbirth."

My eyebrows shot up and I had to keep my jaw from dropping. To compensate, I took a long and deep breath through my nose. None of the situations that had just run through my head was anything like what Samuel was telling me. 

"Riley has a child?"

"No," Samuel shook his head. "They both died."

My eyes widened. I suddenly felt a small pang in my chest, though I wasn't quite sure why. Riley was never anything but cruel to me. But, the thought of anyone enduring that sort of grief was heartbreaking. It was enough to allow a small sliver of pity to enter my heart. 

However, the pang in my chest grew and it was beginning to feel like much more than pity. A deep and empty feeling was settling in the pit of my stomach, and I felt a huge piece of my heart breaking. I couldn't place why I was suddenly feeling this way until my eyes slowly lifted from my sheets to rest on Samuel. 

His face was as blank as a sheet of paper, and his frame was as still as an ocean of glass. However, I knew exactly what was beneath that facade. I'd seen it take over Samuel's features too many times not to know he was hiding another emotion. How I'd known that Samuel was feeling this way was beyond me, but I pushed that thought aside. Instead, I watched him carefully for a moment, planning my next words carefully. 

"Did you know her?" I questioned softly, already knowing the answer. The atmosphere in the room had drastically changed, and I suddenly felt as if I could do no more than whisper. 

He nodded. "She was the first person I met when Riley brought me here. I was a mess, but she took care of me. Next to Riley, Eden was the first person I considered to be family. Then again, she was everyone's family. For the last few years, her and Riley ran the pack."

"I'm sorry," I whispered. "She sounds wonderful."

"She was." Samuel smiled. "She wasn't only perfect for Riley, but for everyone. She took care of the pack, but in no way did she baby us." He suddenly laughed, recalling a memory. "She whipped me into shape when I got here. She was barely eighteen, but she still acted like she owned the place. I couldn't help but look up to her."

I took a reprieve in the change of atmosphere, chuckling lightly at Samuel's comment. "You needed whipping into shape?"

He shot me a wide grin. "Believe it or not, I haven't always been this ruggedly handsome and confident." I laughed for real this time, and that only seemed to widen Samuel's grin. "What can I say?" He shrugged. "Eden knew her stuff."

I rolled my eyes. "That's one way of putting it."

We laughed together, letting a brief and comfortable silence fall when we were through. Unlike times from before, I didn't feel the need to shy away from this silence or ask Samuel to leave me be. The more we spoke, the more I felt the pit in my stomach disappear. It made no sense, but I could tell Samuel was feeling the same way. I quickly brushed the thought aside as a mutual pity for Riley, knowing it could be nothing more. 

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