Chapter Thirty-Five - I Promise

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Sleep came surprisingly quickly. When it hit me, I didn't wake for anything. The first time I awoke was when the sun started creeping through the hospital room's window. The curtains were finally pulled back, allowing me a stunning view of the rooftop. Behind it though, was the rising sun. It came gradually, allowing me to adjust to the new light. Then it hit the room all at once and refused to let me rest any longer. 

Samuel was sleeping soundly in the chair next to my bed. His head was resting on the edge of my mattress on top of his folded arms. He was leaning against my upper leg, though I could hardly feel him through the blankets that covered me. I assumed that my stirrings would cause him to wake immediately, but he stayed in a death-like trance.

He didn't look peaceful in his sleep; his brow was furrowed and his lips were pulled into a small frown. His dark hair was scattered about his head, pieces falling forward and into his closed eyes. A small part of me wanted to push the hair from his face, but the larger part pushed me to shove him off my bed. 

I did neither of those things but instead took advantage of the rare opportunity of silence. This silence was almost comparable to being alone, something I hadn't had since the day I first left town. Without everyone breathing down my neck, it gave me a chance to sort through everything, even though I felt I'd done it a thousand times. 

My mother always told me I was a worrier, and apparently, that hadn't changed. Though there was nothing I could change or fix about the majority of my circumstances, that didn't stop my brain from constantly circulating with anxiety. Today was no exception. By the time the sun was fully streaming light into my hospital room, I'd thought everything through as much as possible. I'd figured out ways I could survive and push back feelings. I'd made a plan to follow in order to keep my family safe. Though there weren't many, I'd even allowed myself to think of the good things that could possibly come out of this. 

But despite all of this, I still worried. 

A soft knock on the door was what finally woke Samuel. It was one of the nurses, the blonde woman who seemed in charge of my care, that knocked and came into the room. At the sight of Samuel just barely waking she tried to flee, but I quickly motioned her forward. If we were leaving this place today, there was no reason for Samuel to keep sleeping. I wanted to be gone as soon as possible. 

"Pardon me, I was just checking up on Samantha," the woman spoke to Samuel first. 

Samuel nodded to the nurse, who immediately came to my side to jot things down on her clipboard. When she faced the equipment, Samuel sat up and leaned back in his chair, rubbing a hand down his tired face. It was hard not to feel sorry for him in that moment. I'd been spending the last few days cuddled up in bed while Samuel forced himself into a chair too small for him. 

"Is it true they're letting me go today?" I turned to the nurse, speaking quietly and allowing Samuel a moment to wake up.

She jumped slightly at my voice but tried to mask it. "I believe that is still the plan, yes. We will have to remove your stitches and talk about your continued care, but afterward, you will be fine to leave."

I smiled, thankful I wouldn't be spending another night here. Though I knew the next day would be exhausting and only result in me sleeping in yet another foreign bed, it would be worth it to finally leave the doctors and medicines. 

Samuel suddenly spoke. "I'll call for you when we're ready for all that."

The woman finished her writing, turning to face Samuel. She nodded and bowed her head, taking his sentence as a request to leave. 

"Why aren't we ready now?" When the nurse was gone I looked at Samuel, curiously. It was then I realized the bags and crows feet accentuating his eyes. Before I could stop myself, I commented, "You look horrible."

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