Chapter Forty-Nine - Living Hell

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Song: Bring Me The Horizon - Drown (Cover) by Faith Marie


Waiting for Raven to come back was like waiting for a neverending storm to subside. The atmosphere of the room was swirling with flakes of fear and apprehension, clouding together with memories of the figure outside my window. The eyes could back at any minute, any second, and I would have no hope of defeating their owner. The storm would climax, and I would be left in the wake of its destruction with only the yellow eyes to comfort me. 

Long moments passed. With each one, my heart rate climbed higher. Humming filled my ears until it was the only thing I could hear. My eyes shot wildly around the room for a distraction until I realized the humming wasn't coming from my fear. It came from outside my room and traveled down the hall until it met my ears. 

Soon, I deciphered the growing humming to be a chorus of voices. They blended together as easily as the earlier storm of my room, each voice rolling around each other until their words were indecipherable. The only thing I could understand was that they were growing louder. 

The man outside my room perked up. He stopped eating and tilted his head to the side, narrowing his eyes.

"What's going on?" I called out. 

His narrowed eyes caught my glance, and he sneered. "It's not your business. Stay here."

The man rose from his chair, letting the plate of food fall from his lap. His hurried footsteps echoed down the hall, retreating to find the source of the onslaught of voices. 

I pulled myself off the bed and muttered, "Like hell."

I limped as quickly as possible down the long hallway. My hands gripped divots in the walls for support, and around every corner, I paused to search for anyone who would stop my endeavors. However, the hallway was empty. I didn't see a single soul until I emerged into the main room. There, I found the source of the humming.  

The room hadn't changed in the short amount of time I'd been absent from it. Like before, a large crowd gathered, interspersed with furniture and various rooms. Doors stood ajar with people flooding out of them and yellow lights contrasted greatly to the moon shining outside. However, unlike before, people weren't moving. They stood clumped together, speaking in loud voices and staring at a spot at the end of the room. My gaze followed theirs until it fell upon the wall of glass windows. The door leading outside was wide open and a small semi-circle formed around it. 

A figure moved into my line of vision, and I immediately caught their arm. 

"Raven, what's going on?"

Raven pulled herself from my grip, glancing at the crowd. "I'm not sure, but it doesn't look good. Let's go." She grabbed my arm and began pulling me away.

"Wait!" I hissed, earning several glares.

Raven stopped pulling my arm just long enough for me to catch a movement on the other side of the room. A door opened and Samuel's tall figure emerged. He wasted no time in pushing his way through the crowd, Goldie tailing behind him. The room parted around the duo, needing no more than a glare from Goldie to create a path.

"What's going on?" Samuel called, breaching the semi-circle which framed the door. When he reached this point, however, he too, froze. Goldie followed suit, and suddenly, the crowd grew louder. I was able to decipher what they had all been murmuring just moments before, but what they spoke did little to comfort me. Instead, it sent icy daggers shooting down my back. 

"Who is it?" A woman called. 

And another, "Where did it come from?"

One man, closer to the front door. "I heard a knock and found her there."

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