Chapter Fifty-Three - It's Possible

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We sat in that position for an unmeasurable amount of time. With no windows or natural lighting to tell the time of day, there was no way to gauge just how long we were locked in one another's embrace. It could have been minutes, hours, or days, and we wouldn't have known a difference. For just those moments, everything stood still.

But, then those moments ended. Reality came crashing back down. New worries, fears, and doubts laced my mind, and no matter how hard I pushed against them, they wouldn't leave me be. As time passed, my body grew tense. Samuel must have recognized the change because he soon sighed and released his hold on me. As soon as his arms were gone, my heart dropped further into my chest, and though Samuel was sitting right next to me, the room felt empty.

Samuel rested his elbows on his knees and cradled his head. He titled it towards me, but I avoided eye contact. "Tell me what's on your mind," he mumbled.

I folded my arms around myself, searching for some of the comforts I felt just moments ago. "It's never going to work."

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because I've tried running before. And I've failed."

"That doesn't mean you will fail again." He nudged my shoulder. "Plus, this time, I won't be getting in your way."

A small smile crept onto my face. I met Samuel's gaze and held it for a long moment before my face fell. "It's not just my life I'm risking this time, though. I've got Will to think about, now."

Samuel slowly nodded. "Two is better than one. You can help each other."

"Maybe," I trailed off. "But he's just gotten over the shift. He can barely lift his head."

"That should get better soon. His body just has to catch up with everything." Samuel ruffled his hair. "He did an incredible job with the shift. I haven't seen anyone come out on the other side like that, before."

My mind flashed back to the images of Will in the clearing. "It didn't seem incredible."

"I didn't say it was pretty. Just that he handled it well."

"And what about next time?"

"The first is always the worst."

I let out a short breath. "Maybe, but I have no idea how to help him if it happens again." I paused, and my voice grew small. "Will it happen again?


I bent my head, but Samuel quickly continued.

"It's who he is now, Samantha. There's no fighting it. He doesn't have to have it be as large a part of his life as it is mine or anyone else in this pack, but it will always be there." He reached out his hand and placed it on my knee. It was so lightly placed that I barely felt the contact. "It will get better, though. He'll learn to live with it. Trust me."

I wiped at my eyes and ran my hand under my nose. "How do you know that? I won't be able to help him. If we're running away from wolves, there won't be any others to help him, either. I don't know the first thing about any of this." My hands fell to my sides. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. "Maybe we should just stay."

"No." Samuel's hand grew tighter on my knee. "You both have to go. It's safer and you'll both be better off away from here."

"How is that true? How can Will get the help he needs? How will it ever work? Where would we even go?"

Samuel withdrew his hand. He groaned under his breath and looked up at the ceiling. Both of his hands massaged the back of his neck, and he seemed to be searching the ceiling for answers. After a moment of hesitation, he mumbled his response. "I can help him if he stays. Of course, I can. If that's what you truly want, then I will make it work. But, that's not the only option."

Not My Alpha (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें