•dream ingredients•

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"And remember, be sure to organize the books in order!"

This is pretty much the only thing we do in our club.. Oops, excuse the 'we'.. I'm the only member of this club.

I'm sorry for the rude intro though. I'm just really not into cliche things in where everything starts with the sound of an alarm clock or first day of school sort of thing..

Anyways, as you have expected, I'm currently in the oldest building of our school today which is  the library. Being a member of the 'Management club' was one of tons of the cons of being enrolled late in a school. My family just moved here a few weeks ago, months after the school year started.

"Yes ma'am" was the only respectful and polite reply I can think of after knowing that I'm gonna waste the 2 hours of my life in arranging some century old books in the dustiest part of the place. Even if my feet felt like it was stuck on the floor, I still continued to walk towards the old storage room. I don't really know why she needs me to arrange this area, I mean nobody even is allowed to come inside here, except if you're a personnel or a member of the club.

The room was still dark despite the fact that the light was already on. I can already feel my regrets wrapping their arms around me. Why do I have to join in a club in the first place? Sometimes school policies can be unreasonable and plainly stupid.

I started arranging the books so that I can finish the task and go home right away. 30 minutes or so has passed and I was already done. I gave myself a slow satisfied pat on the back before turning my heels away. My mood was so good until something caused me to trip, hurling myself towards the ground, face first.

"Son of a---eh?" My sight was immediately caught on the thing that tripped me. It was a 2-inch thick book. My blood started to boil when I recalled that this thing almost damaged my already dilapidated face. After standing up, I picked the book and read the tile to put it on the shelf already. Strange.. the cover was blank.. Mysteriously cliche, huh?

I opened the cover to see if the title was inside but it was still empty and so are the pages next to it. I made my way towards the door to inform the club moderator about it but before I could exit, the book slipped out of my hand, revealing a bundle of words written in the page.

Confusion then followed as I, again, picked the book and scrolled on the writings. I thought this thing is blank.

If you're looking for a book that grants your wish

Then this is what it is

I felt my body shake a little with the unusual but cringey intro but I still continued anyway..

Escape from reality, if that's what you seek

don't call yourself weak

Because the last fantasy that you see

Will be your destiny

All I need is your answer.. so..

Is that a yes or a no?

I started laughing so hard that I held my stomach. This book is surprisingly entertaining. Is this a joke book or something?

"Y-E-S. Yes." I mocked the question by answering it with a stupid voice. Just then, I felt a strong wind pushing me towards something. My breathing started to hitch and I can't breath properly. Everything started to go unclear and later on, darkness conquered my sight.


I immediately gasped for oxygen as I remembered that I was needing it a few moments ago. As my eyes fluttered open, seeing things clearly was still not on the line. I rubbed my eyes slowly and a sigh escaped from my lips. I can't remember why I suddenly passed out.. maybe I ate something that I was allergic to during lunch time?

I stretched myself and checked whether or not the odd book was still on my hand, and fortunately, it was.

"Goodness.. I thought I lost---" My eyes widened as I noticed something different. I accidentally dropped the book and my sight was fixated with my hands.

A-Am I... animated?

"This is one weird dream." I mumbled, trying to calm myself. There's no other reason on why I suddenly became a 2-D character than all this being a dream.

I picked up the book and started reading it again like nothing just happened. I want to wake up right now but it seems whatever I do to myself, no matter how hard I pinch my arm, still nothing is  happening.

You're probably awake by now thinking that all this is a dream

When just a few minutes ago you just released a scream

Pretty accurate, don't you think?

But don't worry.. you'll just understand everything in a blink

Because I know you're smart, (Y/N)

"WHAT?!" I suddenly holler in surprise when I read the last line. It was partially accurate, I agree.. But I just screamed now, not before reading the lines, so jokes on the book. I would definitely do my "In your face" dance right now but my head is still messed up.

I'm still persuading myself to think that all this nonsense is a dream but then.. why would I dream about this though?

Am I.. really not dreaming?

.☆。• *₊°。。• *₊°。。• *₊°。 ✮°。

hi! if you came from my other books and stumbled here, I deeply apologize if the huge gap between my writing style in this book and the ones I've written in the latter part of my stay here in wattpad ("Be My Mistake", "Coffee", etc.) is somewhat a confusing transition. This is the first book that I've ever finished, thus explaining the more frequent errors in grammar and a much simplistic approach to writing a novel. To simply put, this was published way back in 2018 so be ready for some cringey-ass tween writing (and I mean SUPER CRINGEY LKJSDJBHDFD). Still, I hope you all will enjoy this!

oh, and by the way-

oh, and by the way-

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-tysm!!!  ♡(.◜ω◝.)♡

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