✓ || 1/2 cup heavy cream

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It was just the first day of school but everything started to become so hectic. First of all, you were puzzled on why the hell you were still on the 2nd year of high school when last school year, you were on the same grade.. but you didn't mind it for you were not the creator of this anime and what they're actually thinking is not known to you. As long as your target prey to return back home is still your classmate, then everything's fine. In fact, all of your classmates were still present, same set of faces that you were kind of tired on looking at.

One of your homework for the summer was to research about the well known Daimyōs in Japanese history and sure enough the moment you came back from the two month vacation, all of you were already given a task related to it. You were all paired and was assigned to make a 10-page report to be submitted on the last day of the week.

You were wishing to be paired with someone who's actually determined to finish schoolworks like Hairo since you, yourself, is an A+ student when it comes to the category of procrastination. Unfortunately, you did not got him as your partner. On the plus side, you weren't paired to a freeloader.. or so that's what you thought. To be specific,you were paired with Saiko Metori.

You actually don't have any clue who he is despite the fact that you were classmates. It's not a surprise though, you sleep almost all the time in classes that you don't have any idea who and what kind of people are being transferred to your class. All you knew was that he transferred here to get closer to his beloved Teruhashi and that fact alone immediately made you not want to have a GTKY session with him.

You're now currently walking towards the school cafeteria, your fingers gripping in the clipboard you were holding against your chest as you accelerated your speed of walking. Saiko stated that he was gonna meet you in the said place 15 minutes pass 4 pm which was half an hour ago.

You accidentally slept on the comfort room while sitting on the toilet. You weren't doing anything in particular there actually, you were just there to enjoy some silence and since it was too peaceful, you fell asleep.

And this was the reason why you're trying to speed walk at 4:45 in the afternoon.

When you reached the designated location, there you found the silver haired boy, ranting about something to his bodyguard, his face clearly painted with anger. You heaved in a barrel of air before sitting on the chair across the male, his attention instantly grabbed upon noticing your arrival.

"Do you know what time it is already?" He irritatingly said, his eyebrow raising in annoyance. You just shrugged your shoulders in response to his question. This got him so furious that he rested his throbbing head on the cold palm of his hand.

"It's pitiful that you don't own even a cheap watch." He added, clearly getting even more pissed on your carelessness in his outrage. You were beginning to get entertained by his outburst that you just sat back comfortably, watching his reaction towards the event.

"Well, it's pitiful also that you're the one suffering because of that fact." You gave him a heartwarming smile. He slipped of some pissed sighs before taking in a deep breath, calming his self before he's gonna have a heart attack.

"Alright, let's cut to the chase here. I will give this cash and you will be the one making our report. I don't care what's the outcome grade, all that matters is we had something to show to the teacher. Here." He placed a bundle of cash on the table and slid it towards you. You looked at it for awhile before darting a dagger glare towards him.

"Excuse me but this was called a pair work because two people will be working for it. I do my part and you do yours. Understood?" You stood up from your seat, the meeting of the metal foot of the chair with the floor created a sound that made the two of you cringed.

"Oh and I'll take this with me. Not because I agreed with your condition, but as a payment for making me deal with your narcissistic rich ass attitude." You stuffed the wad of cash to your bag before skipping towards the exit, leaving a speechless spoiled boy behind.

Kusuo was actually there all the time, observing the events that occurred. Thank to his ability to make his self invisible to the vision of others, Saiko and you were not able to notice his presence. When he overheard your name being spatted with such indecent words from Saiko's thoughts a few moments ago while he was passing by the cafeteria, he can't help but to get curious on how you ended up being the topic of the rich boy's mind.

Along the way of your conversation with Saiko, Kusuo already predicted two possible outcomes that you will be showing towards his offer.

One was you to deny his offer because of fear to stray away from the path of equality among both of you in terms of doing the project and responsibilty, which Kusuo knows you won't be showing for you have no sense of being responsible at all.

The other one was for you to accept the temptations of money, which he actually expected for you to be doing... but he was surprised that you did neither of these two.. instead you made Saiko do his part and took the money.

Kusuo shook his head from amusement as he watched you mindlessly skipped your way out of the building as if you haven't done anything tremendous enough to leave the heir of the Saiko family stunned.

You really are something..

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