✓ || 1 dose of fairy tale

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"Screw away, dogbird." You took a deep breath while rubbing your throbbing temple from all the frustration you just received. Instead of spending your afternoon shopping for some food you'll prepare to eat upon welcoming the new year, the whole 3 hours were wasted on you trying to get the weird blonde leave you.

"Come on now smart puppy, lighten up a bit." Kusuke, who you recalled as some douche who lowkey ruined your Christmas and is unfortunately the brother of Kusuo, checked on his fingers like some classy men. It's a really unfortunate event that you two crossed paths on a grocery store.

"If you don't stop calling me like that, I will never stop calling you a dogbird." You were completely confused on why he's suddenly acting like a close friend to you when you just met the other day and it was actually not the typical first meeting that makes you want to look forward in crossing paths with him again. It was obviously the opposite.

"I don't mind you calling me that way.. It's really soothing to hear, like a call sign or something." His face was starting to be adorned with an eye closed smile. You clasped your hands together in a rather distressed manner, resting your head on it afterwards. 

Currently you are in a cafe thinking that he would finally detached his self from you if you told him that you're gonna treat yourself a coffee. However, he took your lame excuse as an invitation for him to relax in such a fine place with you.

"Whatever, I'm going to take a dump." You stood up from your seat, not caring if that statement disgusted him or not. 

"That's really cute, smart puppy. I like your honesty."

"I hate your existence." With that, you proceeded towards the bathroom, casually checking on your bag for any toiletries to clean yourself with. This might be a pretty irrelevant information, but you know, taking a regular dump is super important that it needs to be noted and be reminded in everything.

Kusuo walked towards the nearest cafe to satisfy his sweet tooth. When he entered the said establishment, his eyes dilated to see his brother waving at him from the table just a few steps away from him. He acted to exit the building but was stopped when Kusuke started addressing him as his younger brother which got a lot of attention from the other customers, leaving him no choice but to share the table with him.

'Of all the places.. Why are you here?'

"Why I'm here, huh? Well, let's just say I'm spending my day with a friend." The blonde replied as if he could understand what his younger brother was thinking. 

"Now that you're here, do you mind if we have a little conversation as siblings?"

'Yes, I do mind.'

"Splendid! Well, let me tell you a short tale, then." He trailed, dodging Kusuo's response to his question. The strawberry haired boy rolled his eyes in annoyance for he was slowly getting ticked off by the blonde's peculiar actions.

"It's about a hardheaded princess meeting a merman and as a troublesome girl that she is, she pushes herself to the limit just to get the merman to befriend her." Kusuo heaved in a barrel of air, getting tired already with Kusuke's story telling session.

"However, this merman thinks that he's such a high creature himself that he actually considers everything around him to be mere headaches, including the princess." He continued, pausing every 10 seconds to create some kind of short suspense.

"Because of this, the merman doesn't accept the fact that he has fallen for the princess and decided to not tell anyone about this. The princess, who thought that the merman never cared, married another man. Much to the merman's sadness, he hid hisself in the deepest seafloor and was never seen ever again."

'Why the hell are you suddenly telling me this?' Kusuo's eyes darted to his brother's face. Kusuke seemed to be really satisfied with the story that he can't stop smiling proudly.

"Nice story, isn't it? Anyways, I'll leave you here. Adios, Kusuo." He made his way towards the door of the elegant cafe, disappearing from his younger brother's sight just a few minutes later.

Now alone on the table, Kusuo fiddled with his thumb, trying to analyze what Kusuke's motive was for sharing the tale with him.

"Huh, finally he's gone." His deep thinking was suddenly interrupted upon hearing a really familiar voice. He shifted his gaze to the speaker and saw you on the chair his brother was sitting on moments ago.

"If you're curious on where I went to... Well.." You cleared your throat before imitating the sound of someone constipated and taking a serious session with the toilet.

Kusuo looked at you weirdly, a little disgusted on how freely you talk to him about something like that. He was about to ask you on why you were with his brother but didn't continue. You, on the other hand, didn't asked him on why he was suddenly here since probably the reason is simply because of his addiction towards anything sweet in particular.

"OH SHOOT-" The boy raised his eyebrow out of confusion on your sudden blurting out. You felt your blood went all the way down to your toes when you remembered something that could cause your entire dignity.

"I forgot to flush the toilet!"

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