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"Oi Saiki!" You were expecting a glance or a greet in return just like any other male characters in a cliche classroom movie but he did neither of it. A string of swears slipped from your lips, marching towards him before he could get out of the area.

"Am I talking to a ghost or what?" In a swift motion, your fingers rested on the back of his neck collar, disallowing him to take another step away from you. You felt your body calming down finally as he faced towards you since you actually readied yourself to attack him if he's still gonna ignore you.

His face was completely blank, making you unable to read if he was pissed or neutral on your sudden interruption with what you supposed was his fine afternoon. With a forced smile, you took your phone out of your pocket. His eyebrow was raised, believe it or not, confused on your actions.

"Your mom's phone number. Faster."

"Why?" Still trying your best to retain your precious wide smile, you forcefully got ahold of his hand and firmly placed the phone on it.

"Teruh-- whatever her name is, is gonna call your mom asking to reserve a day for your date in a carnival. If you don't want to feed her infatuation for you, I can help you." Saiki looked at you for awhile, not entirely getting your point.

"How'd you know that?"

"I'm..." Your mind went off for a second, doing its best to look for an impromptu reason on how you knew all these. With a big deep sigh and a shaky unsure gleam, you clasped your hands together in an enthusiastic way.

"..a... I...I can see the future..? Yes, I can! Now hurry up and type you mom's number." After giving you a stern look, Saiki gave up on your request and did it to prevent further annoying remarks from you since he was slowly getting ticked off by your actions.

After successfully getting what you wanted, you immediately dialed the number. When a soft voice of a woman was heard from the other side of the line, you greeted casually before instantly cutting to the chase. You were out of excuses so you right away informed his mom that you will be having summer study sessions with her son that's why Saiki won't be having any free time this summer. Unexpectedly, his mother agreed and her tone kind of sounded seemingly happy, despite the fact that she doesn't even have any idea on who you are and who the hell studies in summer.

Kusuo was silent. He doesn't want to get involved with anything, especially with a weird girl's stupidity. You seemed quite satisfied with your work so he decided to restrain himself from talking, he would just tell you all the bad possibilities with the thing you just did right after your mood would die down.

To shorten my narrating, you decided to stick with the boy to do the denying of offers. Saiki was a little impressed on how accurate you were about his friends trying to make him join some kind of crazy whatnots. They were quite persistent but in the end, they finally accepted your one hell of an excuse as him being your summer study buddy. When everything was clear, you gave yourself a slow satisfied pat on the chest.

You turned your heels away from the pink haired boy, ready to leave without even bidding him a goodbye.. but was stopped when he called you out with a loud simple hey.

"What? You don't need to thank me. I'm a master of lying." After sketching a playful grin on your lips, you went back to your steps.

'Good grief..' Saiki thought to his self, catching up with you. You were confused on why he was still following you, your steps beginning to accelerate in an attempt to lose him. But before you could even place a foot out of the school building, a hand was rested on your shoulder. This halted you from whatever you were doing and you were guided to turn your heels around and gaze at his infamous stoic expression.

"You actually made the matters worse.. Now that you told my mom, she would be expecting us to actually have the session you promised to her." It took you a whole minute to sink the things he just told you. Just after that minute, you began to get hysterical. You actually just said that excuse since it was the only good one you can think of. You never really intended it so that you would spend all of your break days with him. 

You're desperate, but not that desperate. You were just acting cool in front of him, maybe in that way he could see you as someone who he could put interest in and eventually trust... Not as someone who does everything just to be with him.. that's too pathetic, even for a desperate girl like you.

Saiki tried listening to your thoughts, but all he could hear was a song that technically has 2 words for its lyrics, bacon pancakes to be exact. He couldn't actually get why that was the thing you were thinking of despite your worried expression.

Your mood was then changed into a calmer one as you persuaded yourself that this was an opportunity to get closer with him. This means that it would be a whole lot easier to know him better since you'll be spending a lot of time with him.

When he noticed a change of your expression, he then again checked your thoughts, only to hear a song for the second time.. but now it was talking about how magical friendship is. It was quite weird, but for some reason, it entertained him.. it seems that whatever your mood is, your thoughts are greatly dependent on it and is expressed through a song he doesn't even know existed.

You, in the other hand, doesn't entirely know about Saiki reading your mind since you forgot about that information that he's actually a mind reader.. Fortunately, he  could only hear a partial part of your messy brain.

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