✓ || 2 VIP tickets

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After you returned the germanium ring to Kusuo, he figured out that it would be best if he would try not to converse with you since you probably already knew that he actually took the flower. He doesn't want others to see that he's someone who's soft, especially to you. Being labelled as a person who got  a pretty nice attitude would attract attention from students and that's the last thing that he would want to happen.

The weather was surprisingly so calm thus making him decide to have a stroll to the well known cafe and get some mouthwatering coffee jello. It was somewhat a perfect day for him; no distraction, no necessary nuisance.. or so that's what he thought.

"Woi, Kusuo!" His steps were yet halted again as his ears heard the most annoying voice he's ever encountered in his life. He should really stop wearing the ring from now on if he wants to detect some irritation around him.

His sight shifted towards you, his eyebrow raising in confusion from the state you were in. You were currently sitting on a sleeping bag that is slightly covered with dirt which was stationed outside what seems to be an ocean park that he just saw now. You had this huge excited smile decorating your face, your hair kind of sticking out and some of the grime from the bag now feasting on your cheeks, chin and forehead indicating that you just woke up.

"Great day isn't it?" He was quite surprised on how high your enthusiasm was, not showing any signs that you despise him like any other conversations you have with him.

"Why are you here?" You shifted your weight on the lower half of your body to sit on a comfortable position before answering his question. Your eyes felt quite heavy from the small amount of sleep that you had but you still tried your best to look attentive.

"The park's going to give a free ticket to the first 5 costumers as a promo for their opening. I camped here since last night to ensure my spot here and there's no one stopping me!" Just a second after you said those words, you already dozed off.

Kusuo shook his head in dismay, a little bit weirded out on the saliva slowly going out of your slightly gaped lips despite the fact that you just started sleeping. The park already opened and people passed by your resting figure. Kusuo can't believe that someone who's irresponsible to her own words like you actually existed. 

He was about to leave you behind when he heard some shuffling from you. When he took a look back at you, you were already on the verge of waking up. For some reason, he felt his stomach churn, again feeling the thing he felt when he left you with the  flower you offered to him days ago.

'What a pain..'

He shove his hand inside his pocket and gripped the money he was keeping for his favorite dessert and apported it with the tickets you were dying to have. Even if he hates to be known as a nice type of a person, he also hates to be in debt so much that he forgot about the fact that he was hating you for making him do things beyond his comprehension. 

You did so much for him that it's time for him to be doing something for you.

"GAH! AM I TOO LATE?!" As you felt the sunlight circling around your face, you immediately sat up and looked around. Kusuo crouched down to level with you and handed you the ticket.

"Did you.. actually claimed the ticket in behalf of me?" Your eyes lit up with joy, taking the golden piece of paper and fixing your things afterwards. He shrugged his shoulders, observing you firmly while struggling to place all your things in your bag. Once all of it was done, you stood up and dusted your clothes to make you look a bit more presentable.

"Thank you! Oh Thank you! I would do anything to repay you!" The wide gleam that was visibly adorning your grace filled face was retained once you noticed him taking a step closer to you. 

Kusuo crouched down before gently grabbing your hand and inched it closer towards him. He fished out for his handkerchief, the tip of his fingers brushing against the sensitivity of your palm as he suddenly shoved the said object on it.

"Clean your face first." You simply huffed with his sudden remark and command but still did as you were told. He stood up after a few seconds of observing you, resuming his steps on his walking afterwards.

"Hey, where are you going?" The boy didn't look at you, instead, he just pointed towards the entrance of the park. Your mood brightened up, jogging towards his location.

Kusuo actually decided to take a stroll around the newly opened park since your dedication in getting a ticket intrigued him. Maybe the place is that good that you were willing to spend a sleepless night just to be here. Afterall, the money that's for his jello was spent on this ticket so, better enjoy it right?

Such beautiful sceneries welcomed both of your eyes as you entered the famous ocean park. Kusuo enjoyed how the sight of the sea life calmed him so much that he's actually excited to see more. You observed his relaxed expression, a small smile crawling to your lips.

"You know what, Saiki?" He titled his head towards you, signing for you to go on. Your once little smile became bigger, happiness trailing after it.

"You're not half bad."

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