Chapter 33.

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The days went by quickly as Maddie continued to come by with comfort foods and movies I liked. She even offered to take off an extra two days, but I didn't allow her to. Just because I had lost my job, it didn't mean she had to lose hers. That would be quite an extreme act of sisterhood.

After I had repeatedly tried to convince her I was over Dante, she finally took me to buy a new dress for my date with Nicholas. If that's what it is. Who knows?

The dress wasn't an expensive one, but I loved it, nonetheless.

It was dark blue with long sleeves and along with the long length, it had a slit going down the side, that I was perfectly fine with considering there was no cleavage showing.

I would wear it with black heels and a blue rhinestone bracelet and ring set, that Maddie swore matched my eyes.

The texture was soft and smooth so, even if I was under a lot of pressure being surrounded my rich people and somewhere near the president, my body would at least be relaxed.

Before I knew it, Nicholas came knocking on my door.

"Afternoon, beautiful, " he greeted and I was sure he could tell I wasn't the least bit prepared as I was in yet another nigh gown. "You've got I've just had sex hair. Where's the lucky man?" He said, strolling in as he rubbed his hands together.

I laughed. "I think you mean I've just had sleep hair. And the lucky bed is there," I responded, pointing to it while I closed the door behind him. "I'm guessing today is the day of the dinner?"

His eyes looked up at me from his seated position at the edge of my unmade bed. To say this was a horrible first impression of my home, he sure looked mighty comfortable.

I waited for his response, but he seemed caught in a trance. "Um.. Nicholas?"

He shook his head as though snapping out of it. "I'm sorry. I just can't seem to figure out how someone could look so beautiful when they've only just woken up," he gave me a puzzled look.

He must have just seen someone else walking from their room before he came in, because surely he wasn't talking about me. "I think that's a mystery to us all."

He chuckled and looked down. "What was your question again?"

"Oh, is the dinner tonight?" I asked again, looking at him from the bathroom as I attempted to tame my mane.

"It is." He placed one leg over the other and stretched his arms out in front of him as he entwined his hands together, looking around. "We have to take my jet to Washington around six."


"What?" He asked, looking over at me with the most confused look.

I removed the toothbrush from my mouth and laughed at his expression before repeating my question again. "How long is the jet ride?"

He smiled cutely at me as I flashed him my pearly whites once I finished gargling the water. I wondered what was going through his head right now. Not to mention he was sitting in the dark with the only source of light coming from the bathroom. "It's an hour and 18 minutes."

I nodded in response as I walked out and flicked on the switch, illuminating the room. I walked over to my closet and smiled at the dress on the hanger.

I grabbed it along with everything else and rushed in the bathroom before he could see.

Surprises are always best.

I took a quick shower. Why I trusted him in there alone, I didn't know, but it wasn't like he'd steal anything. That'd be a pretty laughable thought.

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