chapter 8

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Layla's POV

It was seven in the morning and I was still sat on my bed, staring at the wall in front me, emotionless.

I felt drained, lifeless. My stomach was rumbling like crazy from lack of food, and my head pounding hard.

Nonetheless, I was still going to attend school. I always did even when I was terribly sick, saves me having to stay with a bunch of psychos.

A tear drops down my cheek, and I hastily wipe it off, sniffling.

I was breaking. Breaking all over again. My strong exterior had crumbled before my eyes yesterday and I'm afraid I'll never have the strength I had before. After eight years they'd broken through me again.

The physical abuse didn't affect me much, it was rather the emotional abused that affected me the most.

The worst they did physically was break my wrist from when dad slammed the door on me. Other then that they've just slapped me and left a couple of bruises here and there.

The verbal abuse was constant, never stopping even for a day. They always manage to find the right words to hurt me.

Sometimes I just sit there and think...

What would my life be like if grandma didn't die? if she had lived up to her words and had taken me for care?

Perfect, is what always comes to my mind. She could've showed me how a real mother would act like. Show me my real worth and not make me feel like trash like they do.

Instead, I was still here. Lacking all that. Lacking love, kindness, comfort from the people who are supposed to be my family. My flesh and blood.

I didn't realise I lost track of time until I look up at the clock. My eyes widening slightly.

School starts in fifteen minutes.

I quickly jump off my bed, and quickly do my business. I leave on the same clothes I hadn't taken off from yesterday and make my way downstairs.

I slip on my shoes, and pull on my backpack, heading to the door but stop when I hear talking in the living room.

I make my way to the door, pressing my ear against the door.

"Today's the day." I hear dad laugh, as I hear a bottle opening.

"What, really?" I hear Heidi exclaim.

"The deals been made, we're gonna be fucking rich!" Dad laughs, his voice full of excitement.

"That quick?" Heidi giggles as I hear steps come closer to the door.

"Took some persuasion, but yes. It's been made. Sealed. Decided. Confirmed." He laughs again and I hear him take a loud sip.

I roll my eyes, bunch of irrelevance.

Just when I lean up, I trip over my own foot, accidently pushing the door open. Shit!

I quickly regain my balance, standing up straight. Feeling all eyes on me I then walk straight in acting like that was my intention.

"Eat up, Layla. You're late." I hear mum's voice, and my eyes land on the plate on the table, my mouth watering when I see a single pancake. Not much but at least it's something.

I quickly head over and pick up the pancake, folding it up and dunking it in the syrup bowl before taking a big bite.

I shrug off the fact they don't usually make me breakfast, well anything at all and continue to munch it down, ignoring the syrup that slides down my chin.

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