Chapter 9

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Layla's POV

What's he doing here?!

There in front of me is the scarfaced man.

What was his name again? Killian? Yes Killian- who has his hands wrapped around a guys- (much smaller than him) neck!

His hold tightens around his neck, as he lifts him up, the guy begins to make choking noises and I scrunch my face up.

I gotta do something, before he kills him.

My panic-filled eyes wonder all over the place in search of some sort of weapon. Nothing.

I look back at them and suck in a sharp breath as I notice the guys face turning purple.

As quiet as possible, I swing my backpack off my shoulders and unzip it, my eyes still glued to the guys.

I run my hands through my bag. Book. Nope. Water bottle. Nope. Pencil...Nah. my hands then lay on something curvy and I lift it up. Perfume! I could just spray him in the eyes. Hopefully it'll distracts him.

Ugh. This is gona be risky.

Fuck it.

I take a deep breath and slowly place my backpack against the wall.

You can do it Layla. Just spray his face. Get the boy. And run.

I begin to tiptoe my way across the left side of the corridor while they're on the right. I keep my back glued against the wall and I quickly, yet quietly. move towards their direction.

I lean off the wall and tiptoe my way closer towards them holding my breath.

I'm behind Killian

Wow, he's twice the size of me!

I can see the muscles ripple through the back of his torso. All the bumps and curves of his muscles.

Poke it.


Poke. It!


After a few seconds of mentally battling with my thoughts, I snap out of it.

Okay. Layla. You're supposed to save the guy not stare at his back.

I take a step closer, now only a few centimetres away from him.

The short guys eyes instantly connect with mine, I raise my index finger and press it against my lips, signalling him to keep his mouth shut.

I let out a loud shriek and jump on to the scarfaced mans back, making him go oomph as I grasp his shoulder with my left hand, and start spraying his face with the other, until it's finally empty.

I know I shouldn't of used it all but I panicked okay!

Huh. That was expensive too.

He releases his iron grip on the guys neck and pushes me off. I land on my feet and quickly grab the guys hand, ignoring the pained groans that comes from the Scarfaced man.

I take one last glance at him and see him rubbing his eyes vigorously.

That'll teach him not to bully strangers.

I drop the perfume bottle, and pull the guys hand, leading him away and run until we reach an empty classroom. I twist the door knob and luckily it's not locked.

I open the door and take a deep breath, before I shut it firmly and take a seat on the table.

I take in the guys appearance as he runs his hand through his black hair as he also takes a seat on the table next to me. He has brown eyes and is kind of short.

"Are you okay?" I purse my lips.

He shakes his head, rubbing his sore neck and stares off into the distance.

Of course he's not okay Layla, he just got strangled for God's sake.

I put my hand into my pocket, and fish out a tissue. I tap his shoulder and he turns to me with a questioning look.

I smile, and lift my hand, his eyes drifts to the tissue, and a small smile plays on his lips as he gladly takes it, mumbling something I couldn't quite catch.

After ten minutes of silence I get caught out of my daze.

"Thanks for saving me." I look up at him and smile.

I have a million questions on who that Killian guy is. Why is he here? And what's he doing torturing people like that?!

"So what was going on?" I ask after a while.

He takes a deep breath, moving his gaze towards the door.

"I came early to school this morning, so I decided to use the  restroom real quick. While I was washing my hands I took a glance at the mirror... he was behind me... He-He told me to meet him during lunch or else he'll do something. So I agreed...and..well you saw what he did..."

"Why was he strangling you?" I ask with furrowed eyebrows.

"W-Well...." He says, glancing at me before his eyes drift back towards the door, his lips beginning to twitch.

I hear the door creak open and before I can turn to see who it is, I feel something hard hit against my head in full force, causing me to jolt out of my seat and roughly land onto the floor, pain flooding my senses. The whole room begins to echo with laughter.

"Great plan. Thanks for the help." I hear someone say, as the darkness slowly consumes me.


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