Chapter 52

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Layla's POV

"And then Jack came to the rescue and hit his head with a bat, he was wearing a superhero cape and everything. The buffalo started crying like a baby then Jack slammed it on his head again and he died." I read out the half fictional, and half none-fictional story I wrote.

Killian chuckles in response, as he continues playing on the laptops while I'm sat next to him.

"A cape?"

I nod with a grin. "Yeah, there was some other buffalos, but they all got scared of Jack because he looked really scary, so they ran away. Jack called the police and they came. While he was talking to them, the buffalo woke up, so he actually wasn't dead, but the police quickly grabbed him and put him in the car, before he could do anything. Then Jack helped me buy my stuff, and then he dropped me back home, he then kissed me on my cheek and I was like oh my god did he just kiss me on my cheek? and then he asked to be friends with me and I was like okay, then we were friends and then for three months me and Jack hung out a lot and he was really nice and fun to play with," I say, laughing slightly at the end, as I put the book down.

He lets out another chuckle, as he continues to click away. "What did you guys play, then?"

"A lot of things." I say and he chuckles again.

"He taught me how to play rounders because, you know what happened?"

"What?" He scratches his forehead, as he continues to tap away.

"Well when I was in year eleven, which by the way I literally just finished last month. I used to have PE, which I really really hate–"

"No kidding."

"–and we had a rounders term, you know? And it was my turn to bat, I missed it but I still ran those stick things, and while I was running, I slipped on the grass and hurt my arm really badly, turns out I didn't have–"

"Do I really need to know this?" He chuckles.

I let out a huff. "Yes, because it's interesting!" I snap, he glances at me, giving me a smirk, before looking back at the coded screen, tapping away.

"Yeah so, that happened.." I pinch my brows together, but then my eyes widen.

"OH MY GOD! Yeah, so after the three months of us hanging out he actually asked me out!" I squeal, and he rolls his eyes.

"Whoopie." he says, dryly.

"Oh my god. Shall I tell you when?" I pat his shoulder, lightly, grinning wildly.

"No, but I'm sure you're going to tell–"

"–Basically I was playing on the swing and Jack was playing on the slide, and then suddenly Jack came over to me and said we needed to talk, I got a bit upset, because it sounded like he didn't want to be friends with me anymore, but then he said it wasn't that and I was like oh, and then he bent down on his knees and I was like, oh my god oh my god, literally. I was like, yes I'll marry you! But he started laughing and said no it's not that, and then he said will you be my girlfriend, and then he took out a big strawberry candy ring and I was like aaaah oh my god oh my god, yes, I'll be your girlfriend! And then he put the ring on my finger and I was like oh my god it's so pretty!" I say excitedly, as I look up at him, laughing a little.

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