Chapter 18

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Layla's POV

I'm currently sat on Donald's couch with him and his mother sitting next to me, watching my current favourite movie. Sing.

I've got a hot water bottle along with a blanket and a bowl of vanilla ice cream to soothe my aching cramps.

After cleaning myself yesterday, I went out and cleaned Donald's car as promised.

Thankfully the stain did come off after ten minutes of scrubbing, while Donald just watched me smugly.

After showering, Mrs Hickman had shown me my new room. Of course I was shocked I hadn't expected it, let alone get one straight away.

Turns out she and Donald were working on it for the few days I was gone. I was more than grateful.

I told them everything yesterday, to how I got kidnapped and to how I got these bruises on me.

Mrs Hickman was on the verge of calling the cops, but I assured her it was fine.

I don't know what Killian's capable of and it might put her in risk or might just be a big waste of time. The cops nowadays are so useless.

I appreciate her concern though, and it's not like Killian can get to me again, I'm safe here.

I still seriously can't believe they did that to me though. They being my family of course.

Yes they got a million out of it but they were already pretty wealthy before so I think it's more of the fact of getting rid of me than the money.

I'm not as upset as I was before but I'm still pissed.

Who wouldn't be?

At least I got the pleasure of staying at Donald's for possibly the rest of my life unless I get married.

That being said if I don't get kidnapped again.

Hopefully not.

And Heidi.

I don't even know anymore.

She apologised. Looked pretty genuine. I'm not one to hold grudges and well...I don't think I'll ever see her again but apart of me still misses her..loves her.

Sounds stupid after everything she did to me. But in a way...Its not her fault...

She started hating when she was a kid same time when my parents did. That's what kids do. Copy their parents, so I guess I can't really blame her. She was raised like that.

But then again.. she should of realised what she was doing was wrong as she grew up yet she didn't...

But then was me who carried on the grudge. Me who turned rebellious the day she found herself left on the living room floor after she had just got told her parents hated her.

Maybe if I didn't act straight away me and Heidi would still be close. Maybe her hate was only meant for a day, the next day maybe we'd have been still the best of friends. But I was horrible to her as well as I was to my parents, I didn't give them a chance to repent (likely they would've though. But still there was a chance.) My rebellious side just completely took over me. I was just a kid too, so the blame is just as mine as it is Heidi's...

We were both young and dumb. Me being blinded by my parents hate. Heidi blinded by their love.

I just can't help to think how it would be now if we never fell out... If she just stood by my side even when my parents yelled at me like that.

How we used to be...

Eleven Years Ago...

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