Chapter 74

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Layla's POV
16 months later...

It's been over a year since then and I'd say time had definitely changed me..

As I sit down in front of the mirror, I take a look at my reflection. Picking up a brush.

I mean it didn't change me completely, I was still me, obviously. But I was mentally better. My self esteem had risen, and so had my confidence.

I didn't give a shit about what others thought of me anymore.

My sensitivity had decreased but not fully, that was okay for me, It was just a part of who I was and I managed to accept that and if anyone had a problem with it then fuck them, I wasn't made to please anybody.

I also learned to stand up for myself, I was no longer that weak girl who let people walk all over her.

I hadn't completely recovered from my past, obviously. I still had my down moments and that was completely normal. I managed to stop hating on myself for who I was and just accepted that everyone reacts differently and that it can take time to fully move on.

Like my feelings for Killian, for instance.

My eyes drop down to the silver hearted necklace I was wearing as I begin to fiddle with it, letting out a sigh.

I hadn't seen him since we broke up and I still missed him like crazy, but I managed to cope. He would always be in my heart and I could never hate him after all we've been through.

Deep down I knew he was a good man, despite him kidnapping me, he had his reasons and I guess I wouldn't have met the wonderful people im with now if it wasn't for him. So in a way I was grateful. Because in the end he had let me go and that was what counted and that's why I had forgiven him, we all make mistakes and he realised his.

Deep down I saw what was in him within the wonderful times I spent with him. He was always such a private guy, he didn't really talk much, I realised. Funnily enough, It was all me and my big mouth that did all the talking in our relationship, I didn't mind that though.

I also didn't realise that he may be going through his own problems too, I felt bad when I finally came to that a few months after I had left, I was so absorbed with my own problems I selfishly didn't think of how he may have been feeling, and I feel really bad about that.

And now all I could do was just wish him well. He deserves as much as me, and he was genuinely a nice guy in my eyes.

After I'm done with my hair I put the brush down, deciding to leave my now short hair out.

I had decided to stay with Luca in America and my long thick hair had bothered me during the hot days here so I decided to cut it down to just below my chest, in layers.

I looked much older, I gained a whole stone. I still haven't reached my average weight but I'm getting there.

I had turned eighteen a few month ago, and I'd say it's been my best birthday so far.

My seventeenth turned out to be crappy, because of all the shit that had happened. Some golden birthday that was.

I bring my hair over my shoulders, as I apply some pink lip balm on my lips, pursing them together.

My phone pings, and I drop my gaze down to my phone, to see a text from Matt, and I pick it up clicking on it.


Let's go clubbing,
I'm in need of a chic.

I roll my eyes at that, as I begin to type, a smirk tugging at my lips.

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