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A/N. Don't forget to Like, Comment and SHARE. Merry Christmas guys! 

Mum and I had the day to ourselves, it was spent going grocery shopping and watching those cheesy movies then making fun of them. It wasn't half bad. I know that she would have to work Monday through till Friday, but the weekends were always fun. I just had nothing to do during the week.

Sunday was spent with Mum trying to cook some organic lunches for me to have over the week. I tried to explain that I know how to cook lunch, but she insisted, just like everything else.

atalienay _blog entry

Sunday, Holidays

I'm sorry I'm not blogging about this earlier, but yesterday was spent recovering from Friday. PIG LATIN WAS AHHHMAZING!! I was so star struck. Freddie Blac is my hero. Rock on. Insert 'sign of the horns' emoticon.

I didn't blog about the drumstick, only because I didn't want someone hacking into some database, tracking me down, finding out where I live and stealing it. I'm very protective.

When we went shopping I bought about 3 puzzles all with 1000 pieces, I needed something to occupy my time besides listening to the same albums over and over again. Monday and Tuesday was spent completing a puzzle of some Scottish landscape with ruins in the background. It was actually really beautiful.

Wednesday and half of Thursday was a movie poster of one of my favourite old movies 'North by Northwest' Starring Cary Grant. The other half of Thursday was used to call Rosie who was having the time of her life, it was a quick call because I don't have the kind of money to pay that. But we snapchatted and messaged when she had Wi-Fi.

Friday, Saturday was reading. Wow my life is boring when written down on paper. The only thing semi interesting was that we had a storm and I had to move my desk a metre away from my window.

I deemed myself responsible for the Christmas decorations this year like I did every other year, put on some Christmas Carols and hung tinsel everywhere.

With Christmas just around the corner, I went shopping and bought some little things for some of my family. Being an only child meant I would get spoilt for Christmas, I know I shouldn't complain about it, but sometimes I don't like all the attention. So, I went shopping and bought all my cousins' presents to deflect from mine.

Having money was definitely a perk of having a lawyer for a Dad and a CEO for a Mum. I've created a rule around this time of year that neither of my parents are allowed to 'talk work' inside the house. This was the season to be jolly, not stressed out.

Another person I bought a present for was Rosie, I always got her something amazing and something I definitely shouldn't be buying and my parents would kill me if they found out.

Last year I paid for her oldest brother to fly from New Zealand over, it wasn't too much money, it's a short trip, but her family doesn't have a lot of money and to her it meant the world to see her brother for Christmas. The only problem was that this year I felt I had to trump last year, I didn't know how to do that.

The only thing I could think of was to buy myself a ticket and fly over to her, but I couldn't do that to my family. Plus, I just bought all these cousin's presents, I wasn't going to miss seeing their faces when they open them.

I walk into a small shop that I haven't seen before, it looks cute. They have shelves of books, DVD's, CD's and what looks like Vinyls. I was just about to look through the classics section when I hear someone cough uncontrollably. I turn around to see no other than Cameron, and he appears to be chocking.

"You okay?" I ask. The second the words come out of my mouth I realise it's the first time I'm talking to him since he told me he remembered my locker combination. We communicate through locker vandalism. Leave notes like 'HATE YOU XOXO'

"Yeah, I'm fine," he says swallowing. Oh My God, his voice sounds so masculine, what the hell.

I turn back around and look through the movies, only to realise I wasn't looking through them, my face was just pointed in their direction. I turn back around.

"So, you work here." He seems taken back that I'm starting a conversation. It takes him about 2 seconds to comprehend and answers.

"Yep, the one and only 'Vintage Baby'," I didn't realise he was referring to the shop title, I thought he was referring to me as baby and my cheeks ran red.

"Cool," I turn back around and actually look through the movies. They had some great choices here. A lot of vintage shops choose the clique movies like 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' but this place had all kinds of stuff ranging from the 40's to 80's.

"Have you seen 'From Russia with Love'?" I jump as his voice scares the shit out of me. I can tell he was standing right behind me, knowing fully well it would scare me.

"I think 'Dr. No' is way better. Original over sequel," I retort.

"Too true," he walks around the tables and looks at the movies on the other side. "So... planning anything good for this year?"

"Excuse me?"

"Pranks, any good pranks? I've been racking my brain trying to think of some but I don't know how I'm going to beat my Permanent Marker one."

"Oh, Yeah," I pause. "I have some pretty big one planned." I lie. He circles back around me.

"Look forward to it," he steps behind the counter again. I stop looking at the movies, walk out and around the corner till I'm sure he can't hear me.

"Shit," I blurted. Now I have to think up of pranks. The few people that were walking around the shops had stepped a few metres away from me. I sit down and think.

'You know what,' I tell myself. 'I don't need to prepare. I can act on pure wit. Plus you wasted all of last year's holidays in this, surely you can just show up at school and something will pop up.'

"Yeah, that will work. Right?' I don't answer. 'Right?' Great now I'm crazy. Not only am I talking to myself, but avoiding my own questions.

Then out of the blue, all I'm doing is minding my business when I see Andrew walk straight passed me. Do I say something? Don't I? PLEASE LORD TELL ME WHAT TO DO.

As if a sign from the heavens Andrew trips and falls right beside my chair. Now that's what I'm talking about.

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