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A/N. MERRY CHRISTMAS (at least it is in Australia) I hope you all have a great day. Don't forget to Like, Comment and SHARE.

The second I stepped into school grounds, I ran for Rosie who had texted me she was in the quad with news. She was in my sights looking a little tanner than she did before she left and I engulfed her in a hug.

"I'm so happy you're back," we pause in the moment for a minute. "Now what's the news?" I step back from her and take in my surroundings. The whole back wall of the quad is filled with identical posters.

"This," she points to the wall. "You have to tell him."

At least 50 A3 sized posters were displayed on one wall, who knew how many were around the school.

'I WANT MY FREDDIE BLAC DRUMSTICK AND I WANT IT NOW! Contact me. Reward if found and returned.' Signed Cameron.

"Found and returned? It's mine, that bastard!" I yell making Rosie shushes me.

"Not so loud, people might hear you." She looks around to check no one is listening. "They could turn you in, hell I could turn you in."

"No, you cannot do this to me. You are not letting Cameron ruin our friendship."

"Relax," she elongates. "I'm not turning you in... It isn't enough money." I push her. "Besides, why would Cameron want the stick?"

"For the same reason I want his. He loves the band."

We walk to my locker and pass by Cameron, I try not to make conversation, however the beast has a mind of his own.

"Hey, Nat. How's it going?"

"Uh, fine I guess," I quickly reply, why was he talking to me? Did he know I had the drumstick, did someone already tell him?

"Good," he pauses for a moment as if expecting me to say something. MY politeness takes over.

"And how are you?"

"Oh you know, just looking for a piece of my soul, specifically..."

"We aren't blind, everyone saw the posters," Rosie interrupts. "Good luck." I quickly grab my book and shut my locker, Rosie starts walking to her locker.

"I saw the James Bond poster in the shop." I came out of my mouth so quickly I couldn't stop it. Cameron just smiled at me in surprise.

"Really?" he sounded surprised, "Well I actually..."

"Come on Nat," Rosie pulled me by the arm away from him. I just nodded in his general direction and walked with her.

Well that was weird. I think it was because we haven't actually spoken in years and since I saw him just before Christmas, something was definitely... different.

The hallways continued to mumble and shuffle, the beginning of every year seems faster, more to catch up on in less time. All the drama. Who broke up with whom? What not to wear? What did you get for Christmas?

"So how was the trip, met any guys under the age of 70?" I start conversation with Rosie as we walk to get her books.

She walked a bit slower, moved to the side and stopped. "I've been meaning to tell you..."

"Holy Jesus, I knew you met someone, who is he? Who is he?" I interrupt.

"I've been meaning to tell you that I wasn't looking for any guys," she repeats.

"What? Now I'm confused. Is there already a guy?"

"Maybe," she smiles. "Just someone I'm interested in, I'm sure he doesn't like me back."

"Who? Who?" I sound like an owl, calling out for the gossip. "Tell me who!"

"I will... later. Not here." Was it someone at school? I'm so happy for her. If only things with myself and Andrew were going the way I planned.

I couldn't believe that Andrew had read my blog, I didn't know anyone at school did. I might have to be more cautious about what I post. Thank god I hadn't already rambled on about him, potentially to him.

Rosie still thought that the possibility of it actually being Andrew was very unlikely, but I myself was optimistic. Besides, who would be twisted enough to be Nightfire01 and pretend to be Andrew?

We walk passed another one of Cameron's stupid posters. "No way, am I giving it to him."

"Just hopefully he will go away," she tries to comfort.

"Yeah, I'm sure he will go... oh no." We turned the corner to see enough wall filled with posters. Only these ones had a picture of Cameron with Freddie Blac in the background.

We walk in silence but I have an epiphany. When we reach her locker, I pull the door out and the locker next to it so people can't hear us. "I need that other stick."

"Are you crazy?" She asks knowing the answer.

"I'm going to steal it from him."

"You are completely nuts. How are you going to do that?"

"I'm not sure yet," I'm suddenly disappointed when I realise I have no idea how to actually get it. "But lucky for me, I have the perfect side-kick to help me."

"Side kick," she gasped. "Try partner," she suggested. "And I'm not helping you steal anything."

"Please," I put my hands together and begged. "We can be the ultimate, Cameron fighting duo." I look at her with the sympathetic eyes.

"Fine... but on one condition."

"Whatever you want."

"Don't freak out," anyone who hears that will automatically freak out. "But I like Max, as in Cameron's BFF," she pauses to let it sink in. "You need to help me talk to him."

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