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Just when the bell rang, I bolted out of English and ran straight to the car parking lot. I woke up extra early to get a good spot that has easy access to the exit. I normally have to wait in a queue of stalling cars to leave.

I walk into my living room and don't feel the urge to turn on any music, the butterflies in my stomach were loud enough.

I tried to watch some TV and read a bit of my book but neither worked. Nightifre01 had messaged me to meet at 6:00 just outside the Lounge. He said he might be a little late as he had some errand to run.


It must have been a pretty big errand because I got out of my car, walked around the shopping centre and arrived in front of the Private Lounge 20 minutes after six.

Andrew was nowhere to be found.

I was trying to achieve the 'fashionably late' trick but he wasn't there. I waited around for another 20 and nothing. I was starting to get worried but I didn't want to worry so much if he was just around the corner.

Maybe he had lost his keys, had to call the super. Or his dog needed to go to the vet, or the hospital. MAYBE HE IS AT THE HOSPITAL. Holy crap I have to call him, make sure he's okay.

However I didn't have a number to call, so I sat at waited.

A waitress from the Private Lounge came outside and saw me sitting on the cobblestone. I thought she wasn't going to ask me weather I was waiting for someone, or if she could get me anything.

Instead she asked if I could please move, to which I obliged and move further down in front of a Chinese restaurant.

It was just before 8 o'clock when I got a message from Rosie asking how the date was going. I didn't have to courage to tell her I'd been stood up by the man of my dreams.

N- It's going great, don't worry about me. Have a fun weekend!

I walked into the Chinese place and a few people turned and stared, so what if I was wearing a nice dress. Screw you!

I order some take away dumplings and ate them out of the container as I walked around the shops, the majority of which had been closed. I walked around to the seat where Andrew fell beside me and I sat down. I had a pen in my purse and I wrote a letter on the back of my receipt

Dear Andrew,

Thank you for the wonderful dinner. Eat shit.

N xoxo

I had some gum in my bag so I started to chew and I stuck the message to the underside of the table. Where my relationship with Andrew both started and ended.

I'll always walk by here and remember tonight. Next time I see Andrew, I'll kill him. I walk passed all the closed shops and to the underground parking.

I hop back into my car and get every red light driving back home. My mother's car was in the driveway, I was worried something had happened. Why was she home so early?

"Oh, thank God you're okay," she stepped out of the house in into the garage.

"What? Everything okay" I asked as I got out of the car.

Mum's eyes furrowed, "You left your window unlocked."

"What?" I exclaim and start heading inside. "I didn't leave it unlocked," I start to shake my head.

"Something triggered an alarm and I was called out of my meeting."

"Did someone break in?" I look at her confused and open my bedroom door.

"Nothing was taken. I asked Susie and she didn't see anything."

Mrs Croft wasn't the most reliable source, but I think she would have seen someone climbing through the window whether she was watching TV or not.

"Did you?" Mum looks at me and my outfit. "Did you have a date?" She smiles.

"Something like that," I smile trying to conceal any sadness I had.

"Well, I'm glad you're okay. Good night."



It took me a few hours to finally fall asleep, my thoughts were constantly rushing in and out of my head. The aura in my room had changed, something almost smelled different. But I needed a good night's rest, tomorrow was a big day. Rosie and I had already scoped out Cameron's house and I was all kinds of prepared to break in.

I wore a red top and black pants as well as an old beanie I found. I quickly ate something for breakfast and considering its Saturday, my parents are sleeping-in so I sneak out the front door.

The most important detail I got from Rosie was that his room is upstairs. Max kept on talking about when he goes over to his place, he hates all the stairs and needing to walk up and down them all the time.

When Rosie and I scoped out the place there were a few things we noticed. They had a veranda which its roof made a small ledge half a metre in-front on the dormer. It allowed me space to climb in through the window instead of walking in through the front door.

There was also a large tree out the front which extended towards the ledge, easy access and an easy getaway.

I waited at the bottom of my driveway out of view from the house and waited for Rosie to pick me up. When she arrived I sat in the passenger's seat and contemplated the pros and cons of taking the stick. I didn't need both, but I knew he did and I needed what he needed.

We parked four houses down from Cameron's.

"Okay you go first," I say to Rosie as we were about to step out from behind the neighbours fence.

Rosie nodded and I held my thumbs up. She walked towards the front door and rang the doorbell, banging on the front door.

"Mr and Mrs Tanner! There's been an emergency."

Stealing from the Bad Boy [completed]Where stories live. Discover now