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(Y/N Pov)

I woke up to the sound of the door opening. I quickly got up and saw two soldiers walking into the room. "Prisoner 326, face the wall...hold out your right arm," one of them said as they slowly walked towards me. I did what they told me to do. Once they put a wrist band on my right arm, they pulled me out of my room. When we walked out, I was looking around to see that the other prisoners were being pulled out of their room also. "PRISOMER 319" one of the guards yelled. I looked over to see what was going on. There was a blond girl who was trying to get away from the guards.

But before she could get away, somebody stopped her. I think that the person who stopped her was her mom. The guard behind her shot a dart at her to knock her out so they could take her. The guards who had me pulled me to a line of people like me. The guards took us into a ship one by one to make sure that we dont escape. When it was my turn, the guard that was with me told me to move up to the second floor. I sat down where the guard told me to sit. I watched as everyone else was settling in.

Once we were all in, we could hear the ship detached from the ark. I was looking around and saw everyone that was on this level. I saw that same blond girl from earlier. She was still out cold. A couple of minutes later, she finally woke up. She looks around, then she turns to look at someone, and she looks pissed. I'm guessing it was because of the person that was next to her.

There was a loud noise again but the noise was telling us that we had entered the earth atmosphere. Everything was shaking like crazy. I'm not going to lie, but I thought we were going to die. The tv turned on. It was the chancellor. "prisoners of the ark, we now know that you've been giving a second chance and as your chance I hope you see this is a chance not for you but for all of us, for men kind it self we don't have any idea of whats waiting for you down there, if the odds of survival..." I stopped listening after that.

This guy named Finn decided it was a smart idea to get out of his seat. Some people were cheering him on, but some people aren't. I think he was just trying to show off. I watch him slowly move towards the blond. Two other boys followed his step, "Hey, stay in your seats it's not safe," the blond girl said. But they didn't listen to her.

Out of nowhere, the three boys flew and hit the wall really hard. The sound of the machine stops working right after that. Everybody started to take their seatbelts off as quickly as they could. Everyone then started to head down the ladder that led to the first floor. I followed them down, and I was part of a big group of teens.

This dark-haired boy who was wearing a guard uniform was telling us to backup. He was about to open the door. But before he could pull the lever, the blond girl said something about it's not being safe as she was climbing down the ladder.  She walked over to him.

They were having a small argument when a brunette girl spoke up as she climbed down the ladder. "Bellamy," the girl asked as she quickly moved through the crowd. Her eyes color is gray/green, and she looks like she 5feet, she was really cute. She hugged bellamy for a second or two until the blond girl said something. "Where your wristband," she asks, bellamy. "Do you mind? I haven't seen my brother in a year," the pretty brunette girl said as she looked at the blond girl. "Nobody has a brother," some kids said that was in the crowd.

"Wait, that's Octavia Blake, thats the girl that they found hinden under the floor," another person said. Octavia was about to attack them when her brother stopped her before she could. Her brother said something to her but I couldn't make it out. He opened the door, it was really bright at first but my eyes finally got used to it.

Octavia slowly made her way outside, she waited a second before throwing her hands up in the air "We're back bitches" she yelled. Everyone started running out while screaming and jumping around. I walked out and watched everyone jump around or run around having a great old time. I walked around admiring the trees for a little bit. I then walked back toward the drop ship to see the blond girl looking at a map. I walked over to her "What's this" I asked her.

She looks up for a second and then looks back down. "See this, we're right here and we need to get there"she said as she circled a spot on the map. "So they dropped us off on the wrong mountain" I asked her. she nodded her head"Well that's smart of them" I said she let out a giggled. "Oh um I'm Y/N by the way"I said as I held my hand out. "Clarke" she said as she shakes my hand. We went back to looking at the map.

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