Proper-ish Meeting

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I was taking a couples order when I saw him. He was sitting at the table outside and all of the people that were once there, had cleared out. The couple was looking out the window in fear.

"We should go." The girl whispered at the table I was waiting on.

"No, then we will have to pass him." The boy whispered back. I found it sad how people acted when they saw him. I would hate to be so feared and hated. I went back behind the counter and waited for a moment. When he still hadn't left, I decided to go see if he wanted something to eat. I walked out to the table he was at and he was watching me. He looked over me and smirked.

"You look tired this morning, rough night?" I rolled my eyes but smiled slightly. My damp hair was up in a bun and I didn't put on much make-up this morning.

"You could say that." I pulled my hair out of the bun and let it cascade down my back and over my shoulders. "So, do you want something to eat? Usually people come inside to order but I know how you like to be served."

He glared at me slightly. "I see you still haven't learned that you shouldn't mess with me."

"I am offering you free food. I don't think that falls under 'messing with you'."

He raised an eyebrow. "So you have learned who I am." I sat down in the chair across from him. He looked slightly confused for a second but I ignored it. I crossed my arms on the table.

"I have heard stories, not exactly happy ones." He seemed to go still but it was barely noticeable.

"Not much about me is considered 'happy'." He said like it was nothing. I looked over him. He was wearing the same jacket as the night before with a plan black shirt on underneath it. He was leaned back in the chair with his arms on either arm rest. His whole demeanor screamed of power and his dark eyes an unspoken threat.

"What is your name?" I asked.

"You know it." He said sure of this.

"Have you ever told anyone your name or do they just hear it from others?"

He didn't answer that.

"So who finally told you? The old man when we left?" He asked instead.

"No, I made him go home, I didn't find it fair to make him stay late when I was the reason you were here. Mrs. West told me yesterday morning."

"You knew last night?" He asked not trying to hide his confusion this time.

"Yes." I said ignoring his shock. "You know, you didn't have to wreck the shop and worry them. It wasn't them you were upset with." He watched me, then shook his head.

"She obviously didn't do a good job." He muttered.

"Why don't you think so?" I asked turning my head to the side slightly.

"You are not afraid, the sight of me should make you cower in fear. The sound of my bike should send you hiding. You should be afraid to look into my eyes." He said in a dark, threatening voice. I laughed.

"Okay, Joker." I said sarcastically. "It aggravates you that I am not afraid of you." He glared at me.

"It aggravates me that you are that stupid." I ignored him.

"Is that why you keep coming here, to try and talk some sense into me?" He sighed.

"It doesn't seem to be working." He moved in his seat, when he did his jacket moved and revealed a gun on his belt. I looked at it, shocked, not expecting him to have a gun. Maybe he was more dangerous than I was realizing. I looked at him and his eyes were watching me closely. "What?" He asked. "A gun is what scares you?"

"Wasn't expecting it." I said honestly.

"Are you going to run now?"

"Why? Do you prefer a moving target?" He laughed finding that funny. His laugh even sounded dark.

"I wouldn't shoot you for being stupid. Now run into me again and I might."

"Really? Don't you think that's slightly dramatic." He shrugged.

"I've killed better for less." So I guess Mrs. West was right. He was admitting to killing and I didn't even get up and run. What was wrong with me? He almost seemed to be joking in his own dark way. I mean, he didn't seem that terrible.

"Gee, thanks." I pouted and put my chin in my hand. I heard the bell of the door to the coffee shop ring and I turned to see about five people sneak in. I sighed and turned back to him. He was glaring at the people going in. "I should help it's getting crowded again. Do you want anything?"

"I don't trust you not to poison it." My mouth fell open, shocked.

"Why would you think that? I'm not the bad one here." I said, offended.

"Because you are too nice."


"No one is that nice without a reason. You're obviously crazy."

"Wow, pot calling the kettle black." He rolled his eyes.

"You're worse, no one will expect it coming from you." I rolled my eyes getting up.

"Whatever." I didn't even get two steps when I was grabbed and pushed up against the wall, hard.

"You don't think I am going to let you just walk away again do you?" He whispered in my ear pushing harder against my back. "What makes you think you are that special?" I caught that he meant the rumors--No one gets near him and walks away untouched.

"What do you want?" I felt him put something against my back that felt like a knife. I froze.

"I want you to understand that you are not special. You cannot talk to me however you want. You will respect me like everyone else." He pressed the knife harder against my back.

"When have I disrespected you?" I whispered. I knew now was probably not the best time to provoke him, but I didn't care. He had already decided whether he was going to hurt me or not, so what was the point of trying to get out of it. I turned my head to face him more. His face was only inches from mine. He pushed me harder against the wall but the knife didn't move.

"Do not test me, I have been very lenient with you." He growled searching my eyes.

"I haven't disrespected you." I said softly trying to stay calm. "I have been nice to you like you said earlier. There is a difference."

"Then stop! I don't want you being nice, or talkative or any of that other shit you claim you are doing. Got it?" This time the knife did get pushed harder against my back. I felt my skin break. I whimpered. He didn't seem to notice. I turned away from him.

"Please, Xavier." I begged, he was starting to actually hurt me. He seemed to go stiff and after a second the knife was gone and a second later I heard something drop. I turned and he was gone too. My hands went straight to my back and I felt the spot where the knife was. I was bleeding. I turned to see if he was anywhere but he had vanished. I looked on the ground and saw his wallet on the grass. I grabbed it and put it in my pocket. I went into the shop and saw multiple people looking at me scared. I ignored them and went behind the counter to the kitchen. I found the first aid kit and got a couple of band aids. I went to the back room and used the mirror to look at my back. The cut was beside my spine about an inch long.

"Oh my God!" I turned to see Mrs. West run towards me. "He did this!"

"It's fine. It's not that deep."

"This is not okay! That animal! Why did he do this?"

"I don't know." I sighed. It was true, didn't know. For a moment there he was actually decent then he just snapped. Maybe I should listen to people here. Maybe they weren't being crazy

Destroying a Monster (Xavier)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat