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That same guilt ross in my chest when I realized what I had done. The same guilt that had kept me from going near the coffee shop in weeks. The look of fear that flashed in her eyes when she looked at me made me feel like more of a monster then I ever had before. I felt her shaking when I touched her and it made my chest tighten. My father's wallet, the only thing I had of him that I remembered from my childhood. She was just trying to return it to me.
I meant it when I told her to stay away. I did not want her around me. She was dangerous. She was the first person I had ever met that made me second guess myself and my actions. I didn't rush to catch up with the guys. I wanted to get ahold of myself before I saw them. They had headed back towards the bikes waiting. Justin saw me first.

"What was that about?"

"You didn't kill her did you, cause that would have been a waste." Jason said. I ignored the stupid comment walking past them. Chase stepped closer to me looking over me. He had been the closest thing I had to a best friend he knew me better than anyone else and I could tell he knew something was bothering me but he didn't say a word. He just stepped back and left it alone.

Destroying a Monster (Xavier)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora