Trying to Save Him

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"Xavier is looking for her." Clutch said hanging up the phone. Me and Blade looked up at him like he was crazy.

"What do you mean? He kicked her out."

"Chase heard what happened from Rose but she never saw Aubrey leave with us. Chase went looking for her and saw the apartment empty and assumed the worst." We were going to go my apartment but Clutch had been worried about it so we went to his house instead.

"Did you tell him I was here?" I asked, not sure I wanted to see him.

"Chase knows but I don't think he is going to tell him yet. He said he's pretty worked up. I guess this morning he sobered up and realized what he did." I sighed.

"It doesn't mean he didn't mean what he said."

"I don't think he did. I think this is to him." I rolled my eyes. "Chase wants him to realize he cares so he is letting him think you got taken."

"That's wrong. Y'all can't trick him into caring."

"We aren't making him care, we are making him see it."

"This is wrong." I got up and reached for the phone. Blade saw and grabbed it.

"No, I agree, he needs this."

"We are going to take you to Eric's later."


"Because he wants our help finding you and when we finally tell him you are fine we need Eric to bring you over. We are gambling that he won't kill us for this if you are there."

"Obviously you didn't hear what he said last night."

"We know; we just know its bullshit."

They took me to Eric's house. They told him what happened. He just shook his head and said that he hoped this worked. They all seemed so desperate to help him and it made me even more curious about his past.

"Eric, you know this won't change anything. He told me he basically hated me, he..." I stopped
remembering how bad it hurt when he said that he didn't care about me.

"Don't, Aubrey. Don't get upset he didn't mean it. I just know he didn't. This has to work. He has to see what it would be like to lose you. He can't live like this forever, you are the closest anyone has come to seeing the human side of him."

"Until he realizes it was fake and then gets mad and kicks me out again. I can't change him."

"You promised to be patient with him. " He reminded me. "You don't understand how much you have affected him."

"We can try but I wouldn't count on it."

"Thank you. Come on." He led me to the kitchen were I saw Hannah.

"Hey," I smiled the best I could.

"Aubrey? This is the girl?" She asked Eric. He nodded.

"I'm sorry I didn't put it together that you were the girl that" She shook her head.

"How are you feeling?"

"Better, thank you for the food it was great. Here sit down." She motioned to a chair at the table.


"How do you do it?" She asked. I was confused.


"How do you stay in that house with him?" She shivered.

"Hannah...." Eric started sounding like he was trying to defend Xavier. She ignored him.

"They have told me about you. They say you aren't afraid of him, that he actually cares about you."

"Well, that last part is definitely off." I muttered.

"We will see." Eric said. "They just texted. It's time." Hannah looked nervous.

"Be careful." She said to Eric. He kissed her head.

"I won't be long." We left and it only took three minutes to get to Xavier's house. I heard yelling from the house. Eric sighed. "Ready?"

"No," We went into the house when I opened the door I could hear Xavier's voice.

".... We have to go now! We have to find her before...."

"Xavier, wait we have something to tell you but..." I heard Clutch speak up.

"What? What is it?"

"Xavier." Eric said from behind me. He whipped around his face furious then his eyes locked with mine.

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