Cold Shoulder

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Around ten the shop slowed down and she went on break. She walked over to where I was and sat down. I didn't say anything to her. I wasn't in the mood. She kept fidgeting and moving around until she finally broke the silence.

"Are you mad at me?" She sounded confused and worried. I looked over at her. "You haven't really talked to me since the other night."

"You do understand that me talking to you is why I am having to follow you to work now, right?"

"So how is not talking to me going to fix that now?"

"Why do I have to talk to you? I'm already trying to save your damn life, what more do you want?" I shot at her. She looked down and her eyebrows pulled together. I had upset her. Why did she want me to talk to her? Didn't she get that I was not the best person for her to be around. She got up and went back to work without trying to talk to me again. I watched her. She didn't smile as much this time and I knew that for some reason what I said hurt her. When the last person in line left, I pushed my chair back, getting up and walked to the counter. She looked towards me but not making eye contact.

"Do you want something?" She asked.

"Yes, stop moping around." She didn't say anything. I sighed aggravated. "What's wrong."

"I just don't understand. You say that I'm aggravating so I try to give you space and stay out of your way but it doesn't help. I'm sorry that you got stuck taking care of me but there isn't much I can do about it." When I didn't say anything she walked back to the kitchen. I followed her not thinking about it. She was facing the table with icing and unfinished pastries on it. I wanted to tell her that I take it back, whatever had upset her I wanted to take it back. Instead I turned and went to the table where I had been earlier. What was she doing to me?


I didn't try to talk to him anymore. I didn't understand why he was being so cold towards me. I knew he was known for being heartless but he wasn't like this when we first met. Even the next morning after he saved me he was so...sweet actually, at least for him. Now it was like every time he started to talk to me he would realize it and just shut down and act like I didn't exist.

What more did I want from him? I wanted to be his friend. I wanted him to stop telling me how much he regretted ever talking to me. Cause I didn't. I didn't see it that way. I didn't see this whole Night Rider thing as his fault. I was tired of feeling like a burden to him. Maybe I should just let it go, he obviously just wishes he never met me and I should just accept it. I kinda just want to go back to my apartment. I wonder if he'd really even notice.

Destroying a Monster (Xavier)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz