The Darkness

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I saw the cop lights coming from down the street. I looked out the window to see a group of guys, but I couldn't tell what was going on. I decided to ignore them and get back to work. I was closing, so I needed to clean everything, but I told Mrs. West I would bake some more too.
When I was done, I went out the front door so I could just walk to my car. I started across the street, when I heard some noise. I looked around and saw a group of guys. I caught a glimpse of the back of one of their jackets. Young Guns. I looked through my bag and found Xavier's wallet. I started that way.

"Xavier!" The group froze. One of them turned and shot me a warning look Xavier turned to look at me. His eyes were as black as night and before I could think about this not being a good idea, I was pushed against the building behind me and his hand was around my throat. His grip was so tight that I felt like my windpipe was closing. I grabbed his hand and tried to pull him off.

"I told you to stay away!" His voice was low and I could smell alcohol on his breath. "What fucking part of that did you not get? I don't want to see your fucking face." I couldn't breathe. I looked into his eyes pleading. I started to see spots and I dropped the wallet that was in my hand. He didn't notice but one of the others stepped up and grabbed it. He looked through the wallet and then stepped up.

"Hey, um Xavier let her go." He glared at the boy. "Now! Your about to make her fucking pass out." I couldn't see much now but I was let go and I fell to the ground. I started choking and gasping for air.

"What is so important that you had to stop me?" I looked up to see that he was in the guys face, yelling.

"This." He held up the wallet. Xavier looked confused, taking it and stepping back.

"Where'd you get this?" The boy pointed down at me. Xavier swung around to face me. Thanks dude. I struggled to get up. "Why did you have this?" He demanded. I backed up using the wall to stand because I felt light headed.

"You dropped it outside of the coffee shop. I didn't want someone else taking it." I didn't know if he could hear me because my throat and the lack of oxygen wasn't allowing me to speak very loud. His face changed, the anger slowly melting off. He looked at me for a minute.

"Why didn't you turn it in to the police?" He asked, still sounding angry but not like before. I had actually thought about it after I had it so long.

"I-I didn't know what was in it and I'm guessing they will use whatever they can to get you to jail" I looked down. "I didn't want you to get in trouble." I whispered realizing how stupid that must sound now. He stepped towards me and I instantly backed up hitting my head on the wall. He had just hurt me, bad. I looked up at him towering over me. He looked angry. He stepped closer and used his arms to block me against the wall I felt myself shaking in fear. This time I had no way of making distance between us.

"Leave." I thought he was talking to me but I couldn't leave he was in the way. No one moved. "I said leave!" He yelled turning his head towards the other guys slightly. We all jumped. They looked shocked, but they scattered as one shot me a sympathetic look. Xavier looked back at me. His hand moved towards my face and I turned away afraid he would choke me again. I could see that his hand froze but only for a second before he moved it again. He took my chin and turned my head so that I was looking at him. I felt myself shaking more and knew he did too. His eyes looked sad and it was the most emotion I had ever seen in them. He moved my chin up and I flinched because it hurt my neck. He let go and took a deep breath. "I...I'm..." I looked at him. He had his eyes closed and he looked stressed. He punched the wall beside me but I didn't flinch this time.

"It's okay." I whispered. I didn't know why I had just forgiven him. He could have killed me and I was worried that he looked upset. He looked back at me.

"You're finally scared of me now." It wasn't a question. I swallowed. It hurt.

"No." I lied.

"Don't lie to me!" I flinched back at his sudden yelling and hit my back to the wall. I whimpered. He sighed heavy.

"I-I just choked me and you've been drinking." I defended myself. "I would just feel better if you were sober." I whispered. His fingers lightly traced my neck. I forced myself not to pull away. I looked over his face as he looked over my neck, which I knew was bruised now. He looked bothered by it. His forehead creased.

"You're bruising."

"I bruise easily." I lied again.

"I can't be around you. I keep hurting you." I looked into his eyes. His hand raised to caress my cheek lightly, like he thought I might break. God, it felt good when he did that. "You are so nice to me. I don't deserve it." I was pretty sure that if he hadn't been drinking then he wouldn't have said all of this. I reached up to touch his face. He closed his eyes and I ran my thumb across his cheek bone. His head turned ever so slightly towards my touch. After a second, he opened his eyes. They were guarded again. He pulled away from me. I watched as his eyes turned darker.


"Will you, for the love of God, listen and stay away this time?" His voice was harsh again but it slightly sounded like he was begging. I looked into his eyes.

"If that's what you want." His jaw clenched.

"It is."

"Okay, goodbye Xavier." I moved past him and left.

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