Like We've Only Got Tonight

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Today is your one year anniversary with Jack, and you were ecstatic! You couldn't wait to see what he had in store for you. You were anxious though, because he wouldn't tell you where you were going. At this point, you've tried for weeks to get him to tell you, but nothing had made him budge. Today, you tried once more.

You walked into the kitchen, yawning, as the both of you had woke up not too long ago. He put on a pot of coffee.

"Hey Jack..." You said playfully.

"Yes?" He said, knowing what was coming.

You walked over to him, and grabbed his arm lightly. "Will you please tell me where you're taking me tonight?"

He rolled his eyes, and sighed. "Y/N, as much as I want to, it would ruin the surprise."

"Please!" You tugged on his arm like a 5 year old. "I'll be your best friend!"

He laughed. "How can you be my best friend, when you're already my girlfriend?"

"I don't know..." You laughed as well, and let go of his arm. "Will you at least tell me what to wear?"

"Most likely something fancy." He said. "Like that dress I bought for you a while back." He handed you a cup of coffee.

"Okay!" You said as you took the glass. Then you heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Jack set down his mug, and walked to the front door. You trailed behind him.

Jack opened the door, and there stood Mark, with a bouquet of flowers. "Happy anniversary!" He said, putting out his arms. 

"Mark! Holy s***!" Said Jack. He pulled him into a casual bro-hug.

"These are for the lucky girl!" He handed the flowers to you.

You took them. "Thank you Mark!" You exclaimed.

"What are you doing here?" Asked Jack with a smile on his face.

"I decided to come and visit for a couple days. I've got an apartment, and I thought I would come up and visit you guys." He explained.

"Well that's awesome!" You said. "We are a little busy before we go out tonight, but we can all collab on a video if we want."

You had started a YouTube channel here too. You posted speed paints, you talked about art, gave people basic skills in art to get them started, and did the occasional video game commentary video. You even collabed on a few of Jack's videos.

After a long day of recording, editing, and posting videos, it was finally time to start getting ready for your date. You walked to the bedroom, grabbed your towel and outfit, and took a shower.

As you were showering, you got a little dizzy. You recognized this feeling. You had the same feeling at the pub that day after college. You were so happy, but then when you were dizzy, all the bad memories flooded into your mind. You continued showering normally, and went to the spare bedroom to get dressed.

Jack had bought you a turquoise coloured dress, that had a green waistband around it. You wore fancy blue heels, and were a little scared to walk in them. You paced in the room to get a little comfortable in them. You heard your phone go off.

It was a text message from Alice. "Happy anniversary!" She sent.

"Thanks." You replied.

"Where's Jack taking you!?"

"Sadly, I do not know."

"Ooh! Secretive!" You laughed.

"I know. Anyway, how's everything going there." I asked.

"Good I guess. But the weather has been s***ty. All the people on the news say that it will be sunny, but it never is."

"Huh...that's odd. Well, I gotta finish getting ready. Ttyl."

"Ttyl" You left your phone to charge and finished getting ready. You put on a tad bit of make up, some perfume. You grabbed the clutch that came with your dress, and went downstairs.

Jack was fixing the ends of his sleeves when he came into view. He wore a dark blue suit, with a white shirt and black tie. His hair was neatly done. "Woah..." He said.

"Well?" You asked.

"You look beautiful." He said. You walked closer to him, and kissed his cheek.

"So do you!" You said as you blushed.

"Well, lemme just put these on you, and we can get going." He grabbed a couple of boxes from the coffee table behind him, and opened up in of them. "I saw this, and thought of you."

You looked into the box, and your eyes went wide. You also got a little dizzy. It was the necklace! The necklace that...Anti had you wear a year ago! It was an emerald gem shaped like a heart, with a golden border. Jack looked at you quizzically.

"Is everything alright Y/N?" He asked.

You looked up at him as you took the necklace out of the box. "Yeah. Everything's fine." He turned you around and put the necklace on you.

"One more thing." He grabbed the other box that was clear, and opened it up. He pulled out a corsage with a big purple rose on it. It had various other small flowers, that were among shades of blues and greens. He put it around your wrists.

"It's beautiful." You whispered. You looked up into his baby blue eyes, and he looked down into your E/C (eye colour) eyes.

"Much like you." Jack said as he leaned in close. He kissed you on the lips for a few, then backed away slowly. "We should get going."

"Yeah." You blushed. "Yeah we should."

You took his arm, and he walked you out to the car, locking the front door behind him. He opened the car door, and welcomed you inside.

"Thank you sir." You said in a British accent, and curtsied. You got in the car, Jack closed the door, and went to the drivers side.

This was it! Your first fancy date with Jack. You've never dreamed that you would meet your YouTube idol, let alone go on a date with him. You loved every minute of the night, and it would only get better.

Living In The Shadows (Sequel to Dark Corners) Anti X Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن