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Jack slowly let go of me, but still held my shoulders. I backed away slowly, and he wiped tears from my cheeks giving me the cute smile that I had fallen in love with. I looked around to see Mark gone.

Must've went to go visit Amy. I thought.

I looked over at Anti and Iris, and saw them hugging as well. Their mouths were moving and they were talking to each other, but I couldn't hear them. They let go of each other, and I saw Iris put her thumb to his cheek and wipe something away. Anti did the same to her.

Wait...I thought. Is Anti...crying?

Yes...Anti sniffled in my mind.

"Y/N?" Jack snapped me out of my trance. "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah." I replied. "Just...give me one moment."

"Okay." He let go of me, and went to sit under a tree. I walked over to Anti and Iris.

"What do you want?" Iris said.

"Nothing that major. Just...uh..." Can I talk with Anti for a minute? You can go talk with Jack if you'd like. Make it even? I thought.

If you must. Make it quick. Iris left and walked over to Jack.

"What? Haven't you ever seen a demon cry before?" He wiped his cheeks, and started walking away. I grabbed his arm and stopped him.

"Let go of me!" He said, shaking off my grip. I grabbed right back on, and held his other arm as well.

"No! No more running away from your problems!" I snapped. "I know why you came back to me with a slit throat some times. I heard takes your mind off of your problems."

He looked down at his feet. I grabbed his hand. "Let's sit." We walked over to a different tree.

"Why do you care so much all of a sudden? How come when I care about you, you barely care about me? But all of a sudden when you see me cry, your running to my rescue." Anti asked.

"Listen, I have cared about you this much when you cared about me in the past. When we would just sit like a normal...ish, couple I enjoyed those moments. And if you didn't torture me so much, I would care about you a lot more."

"Okay, but..."

"I'm not finished. I hate seeing people upset; humans and demons alike. I don't care what their problem is, or who they are, I will try to help them. Don't judge a book by the cover, look at the contents inside first." He avoided eye contact with me. I grabbed his chin lightly, and pointed his eyes up at me. They were filled with sorrow, and saw a few more tears fall from his eye.

"The contents in my book suck..." Anti said, sniffling.

"Not all of them..." I blushed.

I remembered how Anti loved hearing me sing. Maybe, if I sing a song letting him know that I do care, he'll tell me what's wrong.

"How the h*** did we wind up like this?
Why weren't we able,
To see the signs that we missed,
And try to turn the tables?

I wish you'd unclench your fists,
And unpack your suitcase.
Lately there's been too much of this.
But don't think it's too late...

Nothing's wrong...
Just as long as you know that
Someday, I will.

Someday, somehow,
I'm gonna make it alright,
But not right now.
I know you're wondering when.
You're the only one who knows that...

Living In The Shadows (Sequel to Dark Corners) Anti X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now