Everything I Wanna Do

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A/N: Do not listen to the song, until I tell you! I will put in another authour's note when the time is right. It will be perfect! Enjoy seeing Iris's perspective.


I kneeled down in front of Y/N, loving the expression on her face. She looked helpless and scared, and I loved it. I've felt that way, for years. Until I met Anti. Everything lit up when he was around. And now that he has finally broke me free from Y/N hole of despair, I finally get to enjoy what I've been wanting to do forever.

I took the blade of the knife and put it into her cheek. I started cutting random lines and markings into her face, and she screamed. I looked over at Anti, who looked up as though he was singing to the crows as Y/N scream filled the room. I could feel her tears rush onto my hand, and I saw them go onto her cheek. I bet the stung her face and made it hurt even more. I laughed at her pain.

I stood up and turned to Anti. "How'd I do?" I asked him.

"You did wonderful lass." He said as he walked over slowly. He started playing with my purple hair, and pulled me in for another kiss. We held there for a few seconds before he pulled away and looked at Jackaboy and Y/N. I could see that he was blushing a little.

You two will stay in here for quite a while. I'm going to..." Anti started. He looked back at me and looked up and down at my body. He bit his lip, and I smiled back at him. "Show Iris around the house more." He finished.

"Let's go Anti." I said as I looked at him with lust, and bit my own lip as well. I opened the door, grabbed his hand and we left the room. Anti shut and locked the door behind us.

"So!" I exclaimed. "What do you wanna show me first?" I licked my lip as I scanned his body.

"Well, first I thought the kitchen. Then the living room, then the bathroom, maybe a few other rooms, and then I was thinking..." He stopped for a minute, teasing me. I tugged on his tight black shirt.

"Continue..." I said.

"Then I was thinking I'd lead you to our bedroom." He smirked, and I returned the expression.

I leaned into his cheek slowly, and kissed it. "Thats more like it." I whispered. He shivered a little.

"Let's go." He said. We then glitched back to his house.

"The kitchen." He said, putting his arm out as to show it off. "If you need any food, water, anything else, it's here." He turned me around.

"The living room, where we can have some cuddle time while watching some movies." He said as he kissed my cheek.

Getting right to the point, aren't we Anti? I thought, knowing full well he was listening. He swooped me up off my feet with no words coming from his mouth, but his mind.

Well, it's what you've wanted isn't it? He said. I smiled and leaned into his chest. He showed me around the upstairs quickly, starting with the bathroom. Then he went to the room I first woke up in.

"Here's there office where they make their videos." He said as he opened the door. "It will always be marked in my mind, that this is where you first woke up."

"Mine too." I replied. Then he showed me the music room.

"This is where he practices his drumming. Now I will admit, I have played them a few times. It's pretty fun."

"Can you teach me?" I asked.

"Perhaps." Then he grabbed my hand, and walked slowly to the next room.

He put his hands on the door knob. "And here..." He opened the door. "Is where all of our cuddling and such will take place." He let go of my hand, and motioned me to walk inside.

Living In The Shadows (Sequel to Dark Corners) Anti X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now