Followed You Home

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After about an hour or so of driving, and scream-singing songs on the radio, the 2 of you had finally arrived at a restaurant. It was made of brick, with very few windows.

"I drove you to one of Dublin's most fanciest restaurants." Said Jack as he turned off the car. He got out, and opened your door, as you sat there in awe of the beautiful building.

"It's even more beautiful inside." He smiled, and took your hand to lead you inside.

He was right. It was more beautiful than the outside. The floors were marble, and every table was candle lit. There were long tables, small round tables, and even V.I.P tables that were covered with a curtain. A giant chandelier hung from the ceiling. There was a small bar, and a white door with a golden border on the other side. A waiter walked in, so that must be the kitchen. 2 other doors like that were to your right, 1 labled 'Gentlemen' the other labled 'Ladies', so you figured those were the bathrooms.

In front of you was a well-dressed man behind a pedestal, looking at a book of reservations. Jack walked up to him.

"Sean McLoughlin and F/N (full name) for a table of 2 please." He said quietly.

"One moment please." The man said, flipping through the book. He rang a small bell that was on the pedestal. A lady in a waitress outfit ran out from behind the bar.

"Yes sir?" She said.

"Please take Mr. McLoughlin and Miss L/N (last name) to their table please." He pointed to a page in the book, and showed it to the lady.

"Yes sir." She said as she grabbed 2 menus that were stacked next to the man. She turned to you and Jack. "Right this way please." She said. The 2 of you followed.

She lead you and Jack to a table that was covered with a curtain; a V.I.P table. "Have a seat." She said. You and Jack sat across from each other, and the waitress set the menus infrong of you.

"Today's special is Seafood Pasta with Alfredo sauce with your choice of seafood, including shrimp, lobster, crab, or even octopus. My name is Summer, and I will be serving you this evening. May I start you with some champagne, or perhaps some red wine?" She explained.

"Some red wine please." Said Jack.

"Okay! I will give you some time to look over the menu, and I will be right back." She left the V.I.P. section.

You and Jack looked T the menu's and you occasionally looked up at him. If he caught you, you would hide your eyes, and blush.

Summer came back with a bottle of red wine, and 2 glasses. "Here you are." She said. "Have you decided on what you'd like?" She took a notepad and pen out of her apron. She looked over at Jack.

"I would like the Traditional Irish Stew please, with a caesar salad for an appetizer. Thank you."

She nodded her head and turned to you. "And for you miss?" She asked.

"I will have the Chicken Alfredo with the same appetizer please; a caesar salad. Thank you very much."

"Coming right up!" She said as she left.

(Time skip to about half way through dinner)

"This is delicious!" Jack said. "How's yours?" He asked, stuffing stew into his face.

You giggled. "It's amazing!" You answered. Jack suddenly stopped eating, and put his elbow on the table, holding his head. You went from happy to worried in a heartbeat.

"Jack," you started. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah...I'm fine." He said. " a little dizzy...and nauseous is all."

"Maybe try going to the bathroom?" You suggested.

"Yeah...maybe." He got up, and left.


I got up from the table, and went to the bathroom, knowing exactly what was going on. I wish I could tell Y/N, but I don't want her worrying about it, especially not on our anniversary. I went to the bathroom, and stood in front of the sink.

Jackaboy, why won't you just let me out? Anti said. I promise I'll be a good demon.

"You, being a good demon? There's no such thing." I whispered after splashing my face with warm water.

Oh come on Jack! I won't hurt her. I just want to spend some time with her.

"No!" I said. "I will not let you touch her! Not a chance in Hell!"

Oh...that can be arranged.

"Just leave me alone!" I said, walking back out of the bathroom.


Jack came back to the table, his hair looking damp. "Are you okay?" You asked again.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just needed to use the toilet." He giggled.

"Okay. Let's finish up dinner, and then get home for some relaxation." 


D*** IT! I was so close! All I wanted to do was spend some...'quality' time with Y/N! Was that so much to ask? It's been so long since I've seen her.

So long since I've heard her voice.

So long since I've heard her scream. I loved it when she screamed. I love putting her through pain. The rush of blood pouring out of her, the tears streaming from her eyes.

I loved all of those moments, and just wanted to see her again. I never get what I want! All I want is for her to be a demon.

For her to love me.

For her....ťõ bë jüşţ łıkë mę.


You and Jack were back home, and it was late at night. You left about 8, and got there around 9. It was now 10:56, and the 2 of you were very tired.

"Did you have fun tonight?" Jack asked as he locked the door.

"It was amazing! I loved it." You said. He picked you up off your feet, and you giggled. You cradled into his shoulder, and closed your eyes. He was so warm.

"I just figured...since those shoes are probably a burden on you.." You interrupted him.

"It's fine." You said, easing into his hold more. He carried you upstairs, and set you down on the bed.

"I'm gonna go change into pajamas." You said, as he started unbuttoning his shirt.

"Okay." He said. You went to the closet to grab a set of pj's, and went to the bathroom to change.

You went back into the bedroom, and Jack was already laying down in bed, covered in his warm blue blankets. You walked over, and crawled underneath them, nuzzling next to his back.

"I really had a lot of fun tonight Jack." You said as you shut your eyes. "I love you."

He rolled over to face you, even though your eyes were closed. "I love you too Y/N." He said. You could feel his breath getting closer, and soon his lips were planted on yours again. It was passionate, and romantic. You giggled again. "Goodnight." You said.

But he didn't stop. He went right back onto your lips again. He grabbed your cheeks, and slowly lifted you up off your back. You enjoyed it, but not as much as the first time.

"Jack..." You said every time he let go. "I love you too but...I don't want to do this yet." He was now trying to intertwine his tongue with yours.

"Jack stop!" You managed to finay push him away. Before you could get out of the bed, he pulled you into him, and held you by your torso.

"I missed you Y/N..." A familiar voice whispered into your ear. "Don't run away from me lass." Tears started to escape from your eyes.

Living In The Shadows (Sequel to Dark Corners) Anti X ReaderTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang