Don't Ever Let It End

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I rolled over onto my other side. I felt Jack's breath hit my face, and I knew we were facing each other. I slowly fluttered my eyes open to see his eyes barely open themselves.

"Good morning beautiful." He said sweetly. He put his hand to my cheek and pulled me in for a kiss.

"Morning handsome." I said to return the favour. "I...really enjoyed last night..." I blushed.

"I'm glad." He giggled quietly. He slowly sat up. I sat up next to him, and leaned into his bare shoulder. I covered my chest with the blankets.

"I never want this relationship to end." I said.

He wrapped his arms around me, holding me tight. He pulled me close.

"Me neither." He said. "Which reminds me..." He got up from the bed and walked over to the closet.

"What's the matter?" I asked.

"Nothing at all." He grabbed a pair of boxers out of a drawer and put them on. "I just have to go out today; get a few things." He said.

"Okay. When are you leaving?"

"Sadly, soon. I'm gonna go shower."

"Can I join?" I blushed.

"If you'd like." He answered, leaving the room." I got up and wrapped a towel around myself, leaving the bedroom and going to the bathroom to shower.

(Time skip)

Jack had left for what ever he needed to do, and I sat in the recording room, checking my channel. I looked at the video that Anti had posted. The one where he had injected me with the liquid, that apparently made Iris come out easier, while playing the Higher or Lower game. The pain was excrutiating back then. I clicked the video.

It was glitchy, and the whole screen had a tint of dark green. Anti stood in front of the screen, but as soon as he moved away, I saw myself sitting in the chair he tied me to. I watched as I couldn't speak because of the gag in my mouth, and I struggled, looking desperately into the camera. I paused it and scrolled down. I couldn't bare the pain again, physical or mental. I looked at the comments.

"OMG! Y/N! I have to call the cops!" One comment said. The comment was from my friend Alice! There was a reply on it from her as well.

"My phone won't work for some reason! Idk why! Hang in there! I'm busy, and I wish I wasn't...:(" My eyes teared up a little. I decided to start recording another video to clear up the confusion. I wiped the tears from my eyes before I hit record.

"Hello everyone! C/N (channel name if you have one) here! I know things have been...interesting, on the channel. I wasn't uploading for a while, and then when I did it was a really weird because of the...'events' I guess you could say." I started.

"So, I'm just here to clear up that, SURPRISE! Me and Jack were planning that for a long time actually. He's been playing a lot of horror games lately, and he would have Robin add in some Anti moments as he usually did." I lied. I felt bad a little, but we couldn't say that they were real.

"Then, for the video, Jack did his usual dress up and make up as Anti, he messed up his hair a bit, he grabbed a knife from the kitchen, and we did a little role-play I guess. I played the victim, obviously, and again obviously Jack played Anti and acted like he was torturing me with injections in different places. There wasn't really anything in the syringes anyway." I smiled.

"So, anyway, just a quick video to clear things up, and to let you know that everything's fine, Jack's fine, I'm fine, we're all fine." I explained. I did my outro, and started to quickly edit the video. I put some music on as I worked. Conveniently enough, a Nickelback song started to play. One that when I sang it, I thought of me and Jack.

Living In The Shadows (Sequel to Dark Corners) Anti X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now