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Quincy sat next to QJ's hospital bed, watching TV, while his son slept soundly

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Quincy sat next to QJ's hospital bed, watching TV, while his son slept soundly. Benita had called him a few times to check in, but he ignored all of her calls. He didn't want her to know that he was five seconds away from killing her sons, but then again...he didn't care if she knew or not. 

"Pops?" QJ mumbled, slowly opening his eyes.

"Yeah son, I'm here."

"Water. I need water." He struggled to say. Quincy got up and got his son some water, sitting his bed up so he could put the straw in his mouth. "Drink up." QJ took a few long sips, taking a breath, before drinking some more.

"Thanks Pops. Did you find her?" He asked.

"Did I find who?" 


"Oh that girl? Nah I ain't find her. My main concern is you and you only. Not that damn girl or her bratty ass brothers." He spat. 

"Dad don't start." He sighed. "I have to go find her." He struggled to removed the blanket off of his body, since he only had one good arm at the moment, but Quincy stood up and grabbed his arm.

"Nah, what you need to do is chill out and rest! Stop worrying about that damn girl and focus on your well being!" He snapped.

"She is my well being! She's the woman that I love and the mother of my unborn kids." He said, wincing from the pain he felt throughout his body. Quincy's eyes widened as he stared down at his son. Did he just say kids? He thought to himself. Before Quincy could respond to the bomb his son had just dropped, the door flew open and in walked Santana, Saint, and Santwan. The Alvarez triplets.

 The Alvarez triplets

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"What the fuck." Quincy grumbled, sitting back down in his seat.

"Oh my God! Babe!" Santana gasped, hurrying to his side. He was so banged up and bruised up that it brought tears to her eyes. "I was so worried about you! When I heard about your accident on the news, all I wanted to do was come be by your side."

"You heard about my shit on the news?" He questioned.

"Yeah. I was so upset because I know Tony had something to do with it."

"Nah he didn't." He sighed. "I was trying to get back to you once I found out Tony was coming for you, and I wasn't paying attention to the road and crashed."

"As always, it always comes back to her ass." Quincy mumbled, but everyone heard him loud and clear.

"You got something to say to me?" Santana asked, glaring at him.

"I got a lot to say to you, but out of respect for my son, ima just keep my mouth shut."

"Yeah that's your best bet because I'm coming for your ass when you least expect it!" She snapped.

"Santana chill." QJ told her. Quincy chuckled.

"You don't want these problems, lil mama. Stick to crazy exs like your boy Tony." He warned her.

"Is that a threat?" Saint chimed in, clenching his jaw muscles.

"It's whatever the fuck y'all want it to be!" He shouted.

"Pops stop!" QJ said.

"You think we forgot about all the fucked up things you've done to us? Taking both our parents from us? Kidnapping me and my damn niece? You talking bout it all comes back to me, but it really all comes back to YOU! And like I said, when you least expect it, I'm going to kill your punk ass and get revenge for my dad and my brothers!" Santana was so angry and at this point in time, she didn't give two fucks that Quincy was QJ's dad. He was going to get everything that was coming to him.

"You little bitch!" He spat, pulling his gun out and pointing it at her. Both Twan and Saint immediately jumped in front of her, pulling their guns out as well.

"POPS, WHAT THE FUCK?!" QJ shouted, trying his best to sit himself up. "I can't take all this drama y'all please."

"Tell your punk ass daddy to put his shit down then!" Saint said. Moments later, a few nurses ran into the room when they heard screaming, but they stopped when they saw guns pointed around the room.

"Dad put your gun up, please! Saint, Twan...y'all too." QJ begged. He hated being the middle man between his dad and his girl's brothers.

"I'm calling security!" One of the nurses announced.

"Do it and I'll blow that wig right off your fucking head!" Quincy growled.

"Dad stop! Damn! Just stop!" All the yelling and pleading had QJ's head pounded severely.

"All this arguing isn't good for QJ." Santana voiced.

"No! YO ASS ain't good for QJ! Since you entered my son's life, nothing but bad shit has been happening to him! I don't give a fuck what my son says, I don't want you anywhere near him!" Quincy spat. Santana's bottom lip trembled as her eyes filled up with tears.

"That's not your decision to make!" Both Santana and QJ said at the same time.

"Have you seen yourself, QJ? You're in a fucking hospital bed and for what? All because of that bitch! What's next, huh? A fucking casket? Hell naw! I ain't going for that shit!"

"If anything he'll see you in a casket first, bitch ass nigga!" Santana screamed, as Twan held her back. She had tears falling down her face and she was sick and tired of this man disrespecting her.

"Okay that's it! Everybody out or we're calling the cops!" The nurse yelled.

"Fuck you!" Santana snapped, shoving her out of the way as she stomped out of the room. Twan ran after her while Saint stood there glaring at Quincy.

"This ain't over." He said, tucking his gun into his waistband and strolling out of the room.

"Yeah whatever." Quincy was about to sit down, but QJ stopped him.

"Nah man...get your ass out too!" He snapped.

"Who the fuck you think you talking to?"

"I'm talking to your ass! You went too far disrespecting Santana like that, after I told you how much she means to me! On top of that, she been abducted by Tony's crazy ass and I wanted to make sure she and our kids are okay! But of course, you just chased her away from me just like you did my mama!" Quincy ripped QJ's neck brace off and wrapped his hands around his neck.

"Don't you dare bring your mother up! Do you hear me? After everything I've done for you, you have the nerve to speak to me like that? And all over some bitch!" He growled. He immediately let QJ's neck go, watching as he coughed uncontrollably and grabbed his sore neck. "Next time I see you, you better show me some fucking respect! Or the bullet I have saved for your lil bitch, becomes the bullet for you!" And with that, he turned and strolled out of the hospital room, leaving QJ hurt and confused.

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