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Later on that night, Quincy came walking into the house after one of the longest days he'd ever have to deal with

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Later on that night, Quincy came walking into the house after one of the longest days he'd ever have to deal with. He walked into the living room, finding Benita sitting on the couch waiting for him.

"I've been calling you." She said.

"My phone been dead." He lied. 

"Where have you been?" 

"Look...I've had a really long day. I've been dealing with your fucking smart mouth ass kids, plus my lovesick ass son, and I'm just tired." He told her. 

"Dealing with them, huh? Because they paid me a visit earlier." He snapped his neck in her direction, glaring at her.

"You let them in my house?"

"No...I let MY kids in OUR house!" She hissed. "They wanted to know what happened between me and their dad, and why I decided to be with you and not him. They asked a lot of questions that I was forced to answer because I was ashamed! Ashamed of not being there for them! Ashamed for running off with you instead of being a mom to my kids!"

"Who fault was that? You could've easily said no." He shrugged. "I didn't force you, nor did I believe that you were actually going to abandon them."

"I did it because I was in love!" She shouted. "You sweet talked me into believing that you really loved me and at the time...all I wanted was love!"

"AND ALL I WANTED WAS REVENGE!" Quincy yelled, immediately turning away from her. He was so upset that he was starting to let the truth slip out of his mouth.

"What do you mean you wanted revenge?" She asked.

"Nothing. Forget I said anything. I'm going to bed." He tried to walk off, but Benita jumped in front of him.

"NO! What the hell did you mean, Quincy?" She felt like she knew the truth, but she refused to believe it. 

"Look...I advise you to drop this conversation before I hurt your fucking feelings!" She spat.

"You just married me to get back at Miranda, didn't you? You believed that she and Darnell had something going on so you decided to hurt him by taking me away, but you didn't hurt him! You just hurt my kids!" The tears were violently falling down her cheeks as she stared him in his eyes. She saw the truth of regret in his eyes, which made her cry harder as she turned and walked a few steps away from him. "So all this were just pretending to love me, all because you though Darnell was in love with that bitch who killed herself! You always patronize me about leaving my kids with Darnell, but she did the exact same thing! She killed herself and left QJ with you-" Quincy smacked Benita so hard, she went flying across the living room.

"DON'T YOU EVER IN YOUR FUCKING LIFE, BRING UP MIRANDA! DO YOU HEAR ME? DON'T. BRING. HER. UP!" He shouted, punching her repeatedly until she passed out. When he realized what he done, he backed away and stared down at his wife. "Shit! Shit, wake up. I'm sorry." No response. What have I done? What the fuck did I do? He thought to himself.



The next morning, Santana snuck out of her room and headed up to QJ's room to check on him and make sure he's okay

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The next morning, Santana snuck out of her room and headed up to QJ's room to check on him and make sure he's okay. QJ was in the middle of reading over the breakfast menu when he looked up and saw Santana tiptoeing in his room.

"Santana? What are you doing?" He asked.

"I came to check on you." She said. "I'm suppose to be resting, but I was bored so I came up here to sit with you for awhile. Or until they realize that I'm gone." She hung her IV bag up next to his and sat on the edge of his bed.

"You shouldn't be up here." He grumbled. "Your focus needs to be on yourself and the twins."

"We're all fine. Their heartbeats are still strong and I'm perfectly healthy. I just have a ton of Valium injections to sleep off. Apparently I was one more injection away from an overdose, but thankfully I escaped when I did." Qj didn't even respond, let alone look her way, as he continued to browse through the menu. "Okay...what's your problem?"

"I don't have a problem." 

"Then why won't you look at me? Why are you being so brief and cold towards me?" She asked. He didn't respond, which caused her to snatch the menu out of his hand. "Answer me!"

"Santana...I'm really not in the mood." He said, glaring at her. 

"And I really don't give a fuck!" She snapped. "Does this have something to do with what happened yesterday? Between me and Quincy?" QJ sighed heavily, debating on if he wanted to lie to her or tell her the truth.

"You sat here and threatened my dad like I wasn't even in the room. On top of that, you sit here and tell me that you're going to kill him and you think I'm supposed to be okay with that?"

"Are you serious right now?" She scoffed. "Your dad pulled a gun out on me, called me out of my name, and he murdered my dad! You think I'm supposed to be okay with THAT? He ruined my entire life and he needs to be held accountable for his actions!" 

"He didn't ruin your life, Santana! Your mom left because she wanted to! My dad didn't hold a gun to her head and force her to leave! And we both know that Tony is the real reason why your dad is dead, so stop blaming my dad!" He shouted. Santana was speechless as she stared at Quincy like he had lost his mind. Where was all of this coming from? She thought to herself. 

"You know what? You are EXACTLY like your dad, and I am so stupid to think that you were different." QJ heard the hurt in her voice as he looked up at her, seeing the tears forming in her eyes.

"Santana wait...I didn't mean to-" he began, but she cut him off.

"Yeah you did mean it, but hey...I've known hurt all my life. But this...this just hurts ten times more." And with that, Santana grabbed her IV bag and stormed out of his hospital room. He tried calling out to her, but it was too late. She was gone. 

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