Eating Problems

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The Alpha King 23

chapter 23-Eating Problems


"Paisley you need to res," Blaine said.

I opened one eye and looked at him "How did you know that I wasn't sleeping?" I asked him.

"We might have had sex one time, but you did sleep in my bed many times and you are a crazy sleeper, you always find a way to kick me or push me and you roll around everywhere," Blaine said laughing at some memories that I couldn't remember.

"Oh well I just can't go to sleep right now for some reason," I told him.

"Okay how about we go and get you something to eat then," Blaine suggested.

I nodded my head standing up and taking the IV roller with me. It seemed like when I walked that I lost all  my leg strength that I had before I was in the hospital. "Do you want me to carry you?" Blaine asked seeing me have a hard time keeping up with his walking pace.

"No I'm fine I'm tired of laying down and the more time I spend on walking means the less time I am in that boring room over there," I said as I went to the elevator.

When we went to the cafeteria "Two cheeseburgers meals," Blaine said to the person handing them money.

"I'll pay you back later once I go home," I told  him.

"Paisley your my mate so I'm always paying for you it's not like it is a big deal or anything," Blaine said.

I sat down looking at the large cheeseburger in front of me with fries and sprite. "You didn't have to order a whole meal," I said eyeing up the large portions of food in my face.

"I know that your not going to be able to finish it all but I eat whatever you don't," Blaine said taking a huge bite out of his burger.

"Okay then," I said eating some of my burger.

I felt my stomach clench and ache I must have made a face "Whats wrong!" Blaine asked in a panicked tone ready to hop out of his chair.

"Nothing my stomach just hurts," I said grabbing it.

"Huh? I guess eating certain things doesn't make the baby happy. I thought that was just a thing woman say to eat as much chocolate as possible," Blaine said.

I laughed and he looked offended "Even I knew that," I said smiling at him.

"Well I'm not a girl...I'm a man," He said taking my cheeseburger and eating the rest of it.

"Hey Paisley how are you feeling?" I heard someone say.

I turned my head to see a girl with dyed blond hair I looked at Blaine silently asking for him to tell me how I know her "Oh umm Paisley this is Shelby my younger sister you guys would bully me at some times. She would brain wash you to do it," He said.

"I would not you were just an ass," She replied to him.

"Whatever," He said.

I felt some more pinches on my stomach and I winced "Wow maybe you should stop eating the fries if the baby is fighting back like that with you," Blaine said taking my fries and stuffing them in his mouth.

"Thanks for taking my food," I said sarcastically.

"Baby!?" Shelby asked at me with a shocked expression then looking at Blaine glaring at him. "Why didn't you tell me that Shelby is having a baby?" She asked him searching for an explanation.

"I just found out today and the baby only had a fifty percent chance of surviving," He explained my condition to Shelby.

"I have to tell everyone else!" She said excitedly running off somewhere.

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