Chapter Twelve

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I tried my best to stand straight as Ben circled around the stool. He asked me a series of questions while he walked. They were all questions about my happiness and how excited I am for the future. I kept my posture straight as I kept a fake smile on my face and lied through my teeth.

It was hard not to shift my weight from foot to foot. The pain spread across the bottom of my feet, and I had the itch to move. When Ben saw my fidgeting, he would stop circling me and clear his throat. I would stop moving, and he would continue with his questions.

I was relieved when I heard him say, "Step down."

I jumped off of the stool to the soft carpet under my feet. There were footsteps echoing through the hall, and I realized why he let me get off the stool.

I looked over my shoulder to see Oliver and Bethany walking into the room. My eyes went to the phone in his hands. I wanted to run, and snatch it.

"How has she been?" Bethany asked Ben.

"She's a lot better today," Ben said.

Oliver turned his cell phone in his hands. The screen wasn't lighting up, but he was focused on the screen.

"I told you there's nothing to worry about," Bethany said, turning to Oliver. "I said you can bring Ben to watch her."

"I know I can, but I think it is too early."

"If you say no he's going to be suspicious. It won't look good on you."

My heart pounded when Ben put his hand on my shoulder.

"May I ask what you are talking about?" Ben asked.

"Dr. Alexander is very interested in Diana," Bethany said. "He's invited Dr. Sweeney and Diana to his place a week early."

"You don't think he'll want to..." Ben's voice faded out.

"Add her to his collection?" She finished his sentence. "He probably will want to."

"No," Oliver said. He shook his head. "That's not happening."

"Just wait and see," Bethany said. "He'll probably offer you a lot for her."

"You sell people?" I asked.

My stomach clenched while I listened to them casually talk about my fate. Ben curled his fingers into my shoulder. It was a warning for me to bite my tongue.

"I've had her for less than a week," Oliver said. "I'm not going to sell her yet."

"Well you never know what will happen," Bethany said. "He could always deny you from becoming a member if you do not let him have her. He can be petty."

My chest tightened as I struggled to breathe. I grasped at my chest as I tried to take in some air. Oliver and Bethany looked over at me, and Bethany rolled her eyes.

"Are we going to have another meltdown?" she asked.

Ben grabbed my elbow and shook his head.

"I'll bring her to her room," he said.

He didn't wait for approval from Oliver before pulling me out of the room.

"Bring Ben with you," I could hear Bethany say to Oliver. "It will be okay."

Ben pulled me across the hall into the bedroom. I pulled my arm out of his grasp. He reached out for me again, but I slapped his hand away.

"They're going to sell me?" I asked. "Who is this Dr. Alexander?"

Patient Twelveحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن