Chapter Forty

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Author's Note: THIS IS THE END. The final chapter. Holy hell what a journey. Thank you to everyone who has read this book! I am so happy and sad to be done this story. I do have many more stories that I plan to write. Please, please, please tell me your thoughts on this story. I would love to hear them!


I insisted on taking my shower before Ben. I took the remaining pills and crushed them. I folded the tissue it was in and shoved it into the pocket of my sweater.

Ben was in the kitchen standing beside the toaster. His dark hair was messy and sticking up. He had his pajama pants on and no shirt. I wrapped my arms around his waist, being careful not to hit his infection, and kissed his back.

"Go take a shower," I said. "I'll make us breakfast."

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yes. I want to take care of you."

Ben turned around in my arms and kissed me. I kissed him back, keeping up this charade, and then let go of him.

"Coffee and toast sound good?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll be quick," he said.

"Take your time."

Ben kissed me one more time before he headed over to the bathroom. I waited to hear the bathroom door click shut before I pulled the tissue out of my pocket. I grabbed a mug and put some of the instant coffee mix into it. I sprinkled the powder into the mug. I mixed the powder and coffee mix together. I filled the kettle with water. The toast popped out of the toaster, and I buttered it.

My fingers tapped on the counter as I listened to the water from the shower. I stared at the kettle as I waited for the water to boil.

This was all going to be over soon.

The sound of the shower stopped. My heart pounded in my chest. I prayed for this water to hurry up as I heard Ben moving around in the bathroom. I looked into the mug. The light green flecks of powder stood out amongst the dark coffee mix.

Ben was going to see that I was trying to poison him and he would kill both of us. I could throw the mix into the trash or wash it down the drain in the sink. This was my last bit of hydromorphone. If I got rid of this, I got rid of my last opportunity. I would have to wait until the next time Ben needs to rob a pharmacy for our immunosuppressant pills. That could be months.

The bathroom door opened, and I unplugged the kettle. I poured the water into the mug and stirred the powder. The water was warm, but it was not enough to dissolve the powder. I stirred the coffee faster and it was splashing onto the counter. I could not see any more of the white powder. Ben's footsteps were coming closer to me and I wiped the counter clean.

I looked over my shoulder and flashed him a smile. Ben's hair was brushed back, and he had on a pair of jeans and a hoodie.

"Breakfast is ready," I said.

"Aren't you eating?" he asked.

I looked over at the counter to see that it was just one cup of coffee and a piece of toast. I was so focused on his coffee that I forgot to make breakfast for myself.

"I have yours finished," I said. "I was just about to make some toast."

"No coffee?" he asked.

"My head still kind of hurts," I said. "I shouldn't add caffeine to it right now."

"You still have a headache?" Ben cupped my cheek with one hand and ran his fingers with his other hand along my forehead above my eyebrow. "Where does it hurt? It could be something wrong with your eyes."

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