Chapter Twenty - Six

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I slammed the bathroom door behind me. I was thrown forward as Oliver pushed his shoulder into the door. My feet slid across the tiled floor. I dug my heels into the floor as I pushed my back against the door.

I held out Colin's phone. The screen was lighting up as it vibrated. The name Quinton Greene flashed across the screen. I answered the phone and held it to my ear.

"Please, you need to call the cops," I told the caller before he had the chance to speak. "I was kidnapped and he kidnapped your friend."

Oliver was turning the knob on the door. I grabbed the handle and tried to pull it shut. Oliver was pushing his weight against the door. I couldn't keep the door closed much longer with only one hand. I hit the speakerphone button with my thumb and dropped the phone on the floor. It bounced and landed beside me. The screen was facing up, and I could see that Quinton had not yet hung up.

"Diana, let me in!" Oliver yelled through the door.

I held onto the doorknob with two hands and leaned back to keep it closed. The muscles in my arms were screaming in pain. My heart was beating so fast that I thought it was going to burst out of my chest.

"My name is Diana Slater," I yelled out so that Quinton could hear.

"Colin, what is going on?" the voice said.

"He's been kidnapped!" I yelled. "Call the cops."

A loud grunt came from the other side of the door. There was a crack as the wood on the frame split. Oliver pushed his way in. His eyes darted down to the phone. He swooped down to grab it, but I kicked it away. The phone slid across the tile. I chased after the phone, but he grabbed a fistful of my hair. He threw me down onto the floor. The air was knocked out of me as he pressed his knee into my abdomen.

"Please." My chest burned as I struggled to breathe. "You need to call the cops! He is going to kill me!"

"Don't be silly," Oliver said. "You're just having another episode."

He was still trying to pretend that he was my psychiatrist.

"No! I'm not crazy," I said.

The pressure on my chest eased as he reached over for the phone. He ended the call, and I grabbed his knee and rolled onto my side. I struggled to get back onto my feet. Oliver wrapped one arm around my neck and pulled me against his chest.

"You really messed up, Kitten," he growled into my ear.

"Let go of me!" I screamed.

I clawed at Oliver's arm and gasped for breath. His other arm was around my waist and pushed me forward. I fought against his grip, but he was still able to push me down the hallway. I kicked and screamed. He grunted and tried to hold my hands down with his arm that was around my waist.

He pushed me into the room where Colin was lying on the bed. The monitor was beeping as Colin's heart maintained a typical rhythm. Oliver dragged me to his bedside. He let go of me. I went to turn, but pain exploded across my face. He had punched me in the nose. He kicked the back of my knee causing me to crumble.

I touched my throbbing nose and my fingers came away bloody. Oliver opened a drawer, and I heard a clang of metal. Something cold was wrapped around my wrist and my arm was jerked to the side. I looked to see he had restrained me to the bed frame. I pulled my arm and the metal dug into my flesh.

Oliver took his thin metal glasses off and ran his hand down his face. He let out a deep breath and paced around the room.

"I can't believe you just did that," he said. "You fucked this all up."

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